FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 17: July 2012) - page 3


I slept.

You know everything, but you ask stupid questions)))...

It wasn't me who asked the questions... :-)

While you were asleep, I only took the liberty of guiding the questioner in the direction of digging... ...till you tell him what to do, so he won't get bored!

You won't believe it, while you were posting here, I spent a couple of hours reading this article and trying to figure out how to put it all into a crummy mt4)))
See at the end of the article... :-)
See at the end of the article... :-)
Yes, I've looked, a lot of applications, it's easier once a week to watch the reports on a third-party resource and not bother)
I've looked at a lot of applications, it's easier to look at cat reports once a week on third-party resources and not bother)

Take a smoke break... ...and get back to work... :-) "Moscow wasn't built in a day... But then... - ...update your terminal directory on Saturdays and make some dough... :-) The more so, the base is laid in the article... Simply take and twist different indices (both on the base, + and with TA variants) and their combination (joint use) in your version of the owl, all opt for the maximum depth of history, starting from H1 and all... The main thing, IMHO, in solving this question is not to rush... The author wrote correctly at the end of his work: "The tests carried out in this section are somewhat limited. To determine the maximum efficiency of the CFTC information you should perform a large-scale research, which cannot be done in this article. The CFTC reports effectiveness testing can become the subject of another large article by itself. The main task of the section is to lay down the foundations of research, to show by simple examples that it is easy to use the CFTC data, and most importantly, it is effective. Whether or not you adopt this trading method is entirely up to you. "


I wasn't the one with the questions... :-)

While you were resting, I only took the liberty of guiding the questioner in the direction of digging... ...till you tell him what to do, so he won't get bored!


Take a smoke break... and get back to the action... :-) "Moscow was not built in a day"... But then... - ...update your terminal directory on Saturdays and make some dough... :-) The more so, the base is laid in the article... Simply take and twist different indices (both on the base, + and with TA variants) and their combination (joint use) in your version of the owl, all opt for the maximum depth of history, starting from H1 and all... The main thing, IMHO, in solving this question is not to rush... The author wrote correctly at the end of his work: "The tests carried out in this section are somewhat limited. To determine the maximum efficiency of the CFTC information you should perform a large-scale research, which cannot be done in this article. The CFTC reports effectiveness testing can become the subject of another large article by itself. The main task of the section is to lay down the foundations of research, to show by simple examples that it is easy to use the CFTC data, and most importantly, it is effective. Whether or not you adopt this trading method is entirely up to you. "

I just don't get it, the reports come out once a week, and the bot he ran there on dailies, how is that?
I just do not understand, the reports are issued once a week, and he ran the bot there on daily, how is that?

Fools you))))

I've been observing trading strictly by SOT on weekly timeframe since 2009 till 2011.


Fools you))))

From 2009 to 2011 I was watching trading strictly on SOT on a weekly timeframe, as a result there was profit, but not much.

I do not know, at 4940 there were longs in 2011 on hai, I sold to maximal shorts to 24 on 5% of depo, here you have a 100% annual return. Now at the maximum shorts at 24 in theory we should have taken a 10 figure, until the maximum volume of longs is reached again)

Many people are now in a sell-off in the Euro on the basis of the "fundamentals". We can rely on insider information, but it is not broadcast on TV, not printed in newspapers and not thrown on the net.
So you deny fundamentals, you deny the analysis. It's not like you have any insiders. You give long-term forecasts, but without substantiation, and you do not answer questions :)
You seem to have no insider knowledge. You give long-term forecasts, but without substantiation, and do not answer any questions :)

I have told you guys a hundred times - watch where they sell and where they buy, I have explained how, so what other answer do you want if the holy grail, I do not have it))))

I don't think it's just a tribute to the FOREX-theme - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences, idle chatter, no more than that, some serious selling will occur tomorrow and it will be ruined))))
