Ward 6 - page 62


Three days is enough for you. Is that enough?

Are you out of your mind, boy? Go get some sleep.
It is worthy of being immortalised on a board of honour.
Can you argue back on any point?
Can you argue a point?

Selective stupidity should be perpetuated.

It's a local tradition, don't argue.


Dr. Drain, the Forex market differs from all scientific demagogy in that it is ultimately a market for concrete actions with concrete results - either you lose or you earn. Or you fucked up your brains and got what you had.

So, you either talk specifically about something or trade specifically on something. Then you will get the result. And in the meantime, just demagoguery....))))


Selective stupidity should be perpetuated.

It's a local tradition, don't argue.

Who's the judge? You? And yet, can you point out where the stupidity is, at least on one point? The market agrees with me so far, that's the trick.

This invention is called a unicycle. It's a little short of a bike.

This invention is called the Segway. Segway - the new space vehicle - 100% attention from others! A platform + two wheels + steering wheel and batteries. The latest balancing system keeps the driver in balance, with only one axle at the base. Control is intuitive, with only the movement of the centre of gravity.

Very comfortable and functional, although the crowds of fools laughed and didn't believe it.

Who's the judge? You? And yet, can you point out where the stupidity is, at least on one point? The market agrees with me so far, that's the trick.
There are no judges. Stupidity is democratically culled by the public as it emerges.
There are no judges. Stupidities are democratically culled by the population as they appear.
Is it the crowd? The crowd is always stupid. Any knowledge is elitist and attempts to pass it on to the crowd only lead to primitivization. By the way, do you remember the legend of Icarus? Why do you think he fell?
Is it the crowd? The crowd is always stupid. All knowledge is elitist and trying to pass it on to the crowd only leads to primitivisation. By the way, remember the legend of Icarus? Why do you think he fell?
Because he believed in stability. He was a fool.
Who's the judge? You? And yet, can you point out where the stupidity is, at least on one point? The market agrees with me so far, that's the trick.

What market? A demo or something.

You've got stupidity in every word there. Well, thinking of the demo as a market, even if it is forex, is another trump card.