learn how to earn money villagers [Episode 2] ! - page 236


Spit it out, or we can all call Paukas.

I'll post it, although it's all on his forum...

Maybe anyone has any thoughts on formalising the trading criteria in a book like this:

Does anyone remember the density of paraffin at 15 degrees Celsius?

I was asleep... :-)

All right, you may do it that way. I will ask him myself.

I would say) I just did not know, I read a lot of his smart statements, but they are useless, everybody can say beautiful things, but they do not work, and I doubt anyone will really reveal their secrets, that's the advantage of something that nobody knows about it, because you have to withdraw money and if a lot of people will do the same, then what will happen?... And if something is said, it is unlikely that the people will be able to take advantage of it. The main thing here is to understand the market, if one has a clear vision, one can trade on a drawn stick.)

Does anyone remember the density of paraffin at 15 degrees Celsius?

Может поможет https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9A%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%B8%D0%BD

Indicator KO-30 KO-25 KO-22 KO-20
Density, (at 20 °C), g/cm3, max.0,7900,8050,8050,830

Goodbye America where you've never been)


Может поможет https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9A%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%B8%D0%BD

Indicator KO-30 KO-25 KO-22 KO-20
Density, (at 20 °C), g/cm3, max.0,7900,8050,8050,830

Thanks, but I need at 15 :(

As for Paukas, I can say that he practically posted the trading system here; only not everyone noticed, because he did it in fragments, in bits and pieces.


Or a smiley face, at least?

Either comment.


Thanks, but I need at 15 :(

As for Paukas, I can say that he practically laid out a trading system here; only not everyone noticed it, because he did it in fragments, fragments, lines.

I think there should be an online calculator for calculating paraffin density and the like, try searching for it. I think the indicators that I found, you can calculate, such as on a calculator how much will be at 15.

I don't know if it's just the fact that he sees the market the way he does and others may not trade the same way he does.)


I guess) according to those calculations e.g. KO 30 (at 20 °C), g/cm3 = 0.790 and at 15 it will be 0.5925

if the exam doesn't work, I have nothing to do with it)