learn how to earn money villagers [Episode 2] ! - page 42


I don't rule it out... But everything is already sharpened and loaded...

As A.Gerchik says: "When you are being fucked, you need to relax and enjoy it" :-)

Yes)))) And Gerchik would also be horrified by the Ilan-like owls)

And why aren't you exclusively chopping by the Gertschik system? Or maybe it would not work as well on Forex as it does on the stock market?


Yes)))) And Gerchik would also be terrified of Ilan-like owls)

And why aren't you exclusively chopping with the Gertschik system? Or would it suck on forex as opposed to the stock market?

It's hard to formalise, I mean those variants of his TC he told youtube...

On the other hand, he also said that 40% of the portfolio at the Russian fund are trading robots.

I have my commentaries to his TS, he kind of traded from stops and levels and breakdown/bounce... :-) etc. - haven't formalised it for owl trading yet... in queue...

Should attend some of his conferences and learn exactly this formalisation of his owls... so he will say for free... :-)


Yes)))) Also Gerchik would have been horrified by the Ilan-like owls)

I was expecting a question from you like: "Well, where did he make that claim? Throw me a link, please..." :-)

I was frantically trying to remember, which of his speeches it was... :-)


It is difficult to formalize, I mean those variants of his TC that he told from youtube...

On the other hand, he also stated that 40% of the portfolio in the Russian fund is robot trading.

I have my notes on his TS, like trading from stops, from levels, breakdown/breakdown... :-) etc. - haven't formalized it for owl trading yet... in queue...

Should attend some of his conferences and learn exactly this formalisation of his owls... so he will say for free... :-)

My advice would be to drop the ylans - and go for Herczyk ... and Rezviakov. It works great. And the authors are not programmers... and their maths is at school level. - You can formalize clearly and get a much better result than the authors.

I was expecting a question from you like: "Well, where did he make that claim? Give me a link, please..." :-)

I was frantically trying to remember, which of his speeches it was... :-)

He likes to make a joke in public) I wasn't surprised)

He likes to poke fun in public) I wasn't surprised)

On this one.

After the drain due to problems in Eurozone on the pound's downward reversal, I refilled the account and started again. I will post owls with description and settings - a bit later - they are the same as before, BUT one of them needs to re-populate external variables...

The full report is in the trailer.

is it rubles?
is it rubles?

It's September, September, September... :-)
is it rubles?

Rubles will be in Alpari... :-)
So I don't get it, how is this branch different from the "Cool Peppers" branch? Is it a branch for villagers and that one for city dwellers? ;)