SSA or in Russian the "Goosebumps" method - page 6

the task is simple... I need to come up with a simple system for beating off moose on false parabolic breakdowns...
What's there to think about: wait for EN to make a consecutive loss and maybe increase the lot. You want me to make an owl? :)
he'll clear your head... and you make... candy...

Anyway, a cleaned brain is good, but it's not going to be clean until it's magic, and only magic can make a... ...and only magic can make a lollipop.
you'll kill years... and then you'll go back to simple... or forget it... it's up to you...

What do you mean by simple? Just fiddling with lots and mm on a parabolic is simple?

You say simple, it's probably very, very complicated.

I think I won't see anything new there, it's just another view on the analysis, but I'll have a look, then I'll tell you what I think about it and the options for beating the losses after false-breaks...
What about the track in this case? )))
What about the track in this case? )))

Soak it and eat it... :-)

As for the sabbath branch - I have the information written down in the tasks to consider: dated 05.11.2010 ... :-) Haven't got to it yet...

Who's interested, google it:

"Spectral analysis. "Caterpillar" - SSA, CaterpillarSSA software package."

What about the track in this case? )))

granny, the caterpillar was needed for other purposes.