FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 16: June 2012) - page 198

Guys, can you tell me why everyone is up? What's the rest of the week to do then? ))) Maybe start at 1.25 and then 1.28 ? Talk me out of it ))) Because I want to go from 1.2535 ))))

Smart and cautious, saving their money are not going to sell or buy! The trend is sideways! Vizard was cheating on me and shouting "buy", so that controversial candlestick closed black! And now the last candle closed white and my strategy says BUY, but I won't. Every strategy has nuances and the nuance in this case is the news background and a new candle starting to go black. But that's not the main thing. The main thing is to look at all the recent candles with big tails. All of them were several times both white and black! The trend is not clear. No one can vouch for which candle the current one will close. And guessing? It's in the casino. I'm not going in there!


Mum and dad died in an accident. Grandma took her in.
Good grandma, a year ago my wife and I took the daughter of a good friend of ours (she died of cancer), she was very afraid of going to an orphanage, when she found out that her mother had died she asked about an orphanage, the relatives were not too keen on her...
There are only pipers in the market. The big players are still in the dark. Everyone is waiting for the US Federal Reserve's decision tomorrow - whether there will be quantitative easing or not. To print or not to print? - That is the question.
There is already enough bad news on the Euro, so if they don't print dollars, we will go down with a bang!
Only pipers are in the market. The big players are lurking for now. Everyone is waiting for the US Fed's decision tomorrow - will there be quantitative easing or not. To print or not to print? - That is the question.
There isenough bad news about the Euro that if they don't print dollars we will go down with a bang!

It's not like the Pips are going down. If it were a flat it would be different.

On H1 it seems to be a reversal of the index, but it might be noise


It doesn't look like the pips are going down the dollar index if it was flat then that's another matter
This is from hedging positions..... Everyone is waiting for tomorrow's US Fed decision ....
See picture above. The trend has sat at the 38.2 Fibo level. Neither here nor there..... Here we go again with a sharp downward spike in the candle.... Not.... it's a risk to work now.

The G20 has just closed. Nothing concrete was said there. Plus bad statistics on the Pound and Germany... So let's go down, but watch out for tomorrow...

My thoughts are here: http: //

The G20 has just closed. Nothing concrete was said there. Plus bad statistics on the Pound and Germany... So let's go down, but watch out for tomorrow...

And don't look at oil and gold going up now

usually a sign for the dollar to fall


And don't look at oil and gold now going up in value

usually a sign for the dollar to go down

Heh heh! Exactly the opposite. It's when the dollar rolls back, gold goes up. Of course I do. But the leading indicators for the rise and fall of the dollar are Brend (UKOIL) oil 100% of the time, well the Aussie 90% of the time.

Gold has not become a defensive asset for a long time. Alas, you can't spread it on bread and pour it in a gas tank.... I think that's why. And it's not just my opinion. It's what many experts say, that gold hasn't been rising lately, when it should be...
Heh heh! Exactly the opposite. It's when the dollar rolls back, gold goes up. Of course I do. But the leading indicators for the rise and fall of the dollar are Brend (UKOIL) oil 100% of the time, well the Aussie 90% of the time.

Gold has not become a defensive asset for a long time. Alas, you can't spread it on bread and pour it in a gas tank.... I think that's why. And it's not just my opinion. A lot of experts say that gold hasn't been going up lately, when it should be...

it's the other way round in my head ? well ok i won't change my mind

By the way, to finally shut Vizard up, here's a forecast from FXPRO. It's a big company. I used to wash with them back in the day....

Down they say!!! Down!!!!