FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 16: June 2012) - page 181


It's not volumes at all, my young Freund, so take it easy)))

ah, yeah, there are no volumes in mt4 in principle, damn me :) sorry,


It's bouncing around in a weird way. Jumped down to 1.2543, an hour later it was 1.2727...

You should look less at the left-hand sites.


Oh, yeah, there's no such thing as volumes in mt4, damn me :) sorry,

See, I got it and found a nice picture))))

Well, you figured out that I'm a sucker, so surprise us now, oh wise one...

oanda is a 24/7 office in switzerland, you should check it out


See, I got it and found a nice picture))))

Well, you've worked out that I'm a sucker, so surprise us now, oh wise one...




no words....

Go to bed, your mother will scold you.


no words....

Go to bed, your mother will scold you.

thank you. the number of freaks on the internet is off the charts at this time. especially those who see the present without predicting and are able to discern the actions of the real market.

So gentlemen if there was a 1-2 % doubt that Greece will leave the Eurozone, I think it is clear now... But the question is liquidity? So it's not over yet ...

Gap will be up to 1.27
Even a little higher probably.