Doing interesting things for free - page 35

If loss, what happens next?
I'll be thinking about WHERE to go again.
I'll be thinking of WHERE to stand again.

Bravo! Better now.

And why not to stand there? Why do you have to twist the language? I look, all, as the criminals, on some slang, or as it is fashionable now, on "slang"! :))

TAM is at a certain price level and THEN is the direction of trades.

I sometimes draw a series of orders and options for working with them on paper. And the circle with an up arrow is for long positions and the circle with a down arrow is for shorts. It has nothing to do with slang, the phrase "to open longs " is, in my opinion, a common one.


Bravo! Better now.

WHERE I meant WHERE TO. )))

TAM is at a certain price level and THEN is the direction of trades.

I sometimes draw a series of orders and options for working with them on paper. And the circle with an up arrow is for long positions and the circle with a down arrow is for shorts. It has nothing to do with slang, the phrase "to open longs " is a common one in my opinion.

"Get up" is good! The only thing that got me was "there to stand"! :)

"Standing" is good! I'm only swayed by "stand your ground"! :)

It's like "the price was falling but the newcomer stood firmly up", like "stand your ground".

I'll be thinking of WHERE to stand again.
Obviously in the opposite direction.

It's like "the price was falling, but the newcomer persisted upwards", as in "stand your ground".

See, it took some clarification! It just feels like it's somehow not Russian.

I'm struggling with my Spanish here, so I'm paying more attention to Russian, too.

You know what kind of scribblers there are! I can imagine how they talk in real life!

And here even beggars can't manage without a thank you or a please, and in Russia many even educated people don't speak without a b... without a b...!

Of course there are special professional expressions, but there are also grammar, style, and so on.

I hope you are not offended! By the way, thanks to people who are open and responsive, I feel good here, despite my never-irreparable accent!


Why not TAM stand? Why do you have to make a mess of the language? Because I look, all, like criminals, in some slang, or as it is fashionable now, in "slang"! :))
Now it's all in vogue to speak Olbanian, blatnoy is a bygone era).
It's all in vogue now, blatnoy is a bygone era).

As I did not accept "blatnoy" in my time, I do not accept "Olbanskiy" now either. I admire the richness of the normal Russian language. Sheskpir used 8 thousand words in his works, while Pushkin used 36 thousand! At least, this comparison says a lot in favour of the Russian language. And all extraneous things will keep on coming, going, being replaced by other things, like wallpaper or broken and unnecessary furniture.