Doing interesting things for free - page 38


The idea is as follows:

PERIOD 1 = time between bars 0 and 1

PERIOD 2 = time between bars 1 and 2

If PERIOD 2 is less than PERIOD 1 and bar 1 is high and bar 2 is low, mark in red.

If PERIOD 2 is less than PERIOD 1 and bar 1 is down and bar 2 is up, mark in green.

In other words, we are looking for pairwise opposing moves with a small time difference.

Who has understood it, please help me to refine the ToR to fit the language capabilities and better visualization.

The time between bars is always the same, i.e. PERIOD 1 = PERIOD 2, unless synthetic bars are used.

Well, just to clarify: it's about visible asc movements on the four digits.

Although this has nothing to do with implementation.


such a miracle:





everyone look here want a zigzag


I can't figure out how to "twitch the bar" by analogy to a pendulum movement as a phase change:


I can't figure out how to "twitch the bar" by analogy to a pendulum movement as a phase change:

Can you describe it in more detail, I'm interested in this topic myself.

I can't figure out how to "twitch the bar" by analogy to a pendulum movement as a phase change:


The price difference of the last two bars is used to calculate the phase difference.

IgorM: I want a miracle like that:


Well, go to the Tacticoadverse. That's where you got it from, isn't it?


There, the price difference of the last two bars is used to calculate the phase difference.

Shift. A phase shift in the development of two(!) periodic(!) processes.

Examples: Voltage and current; Cause and effect:); Impact and response...