Give feedback - page 11


It's a different parallel world out there, their planet is different, they won't shake the constitution, they'll flog it and that's it, as Batya wants it to be.

Not them, but us)))) You are right)
Not them, us)))) You're right.)

There's something wrong with you, I see.)

sure you get the hint? don't you want to "unblock"?

well, you don't want to do it however you like, then hold the grenade:


Well, if you don't want to do it, then have a grenade:

you'd think i'd step on your toes and stay there.

the koi - where all the deadly sins are blamed on)))) five names, so I feel they will soon pin the JFK assassination on them. and these are what they think they are, professionals of intelligent age. in fact, they are the same ticket sellers by and large.....

your picture is good but again it is relative, you give yourself the right to be cathigorous about certain things, while others condemn the cathigoric attitude of others to the same things.

the forum has been taken over by a few, you can see what happens to whom and what happens for them.

Well, I do not really give a damn, I am not happier or more unhappy because of this forum nonsense. sometimes, however, honestly, I want to beat up, and I would, if it were not in the internet, a couple of individuals, I will not say who. by the way, you have not made the list yet)))

In the meantime, there are people whose posts are kept on the forum.

One can tell when a person is wrong and tries to convince them otherwise although they know they are wrong. then the lies starts to flow out of them and they rarely cohere in reality, the bears are getting mad, they are even morally prepared to descend to some extent just to make a joke.

I am not a prosecutor, that's why I like to laugh too, when humor is not so obvious.

i am not a prosecutor to pass judgement, but i have my opinion and i will not let them fart in my direction. the more so that some cannot even fart normally, they have to run around in saggy pants.....)))))))))))))

Freud: There's something wrong with you)).

That's right - they are the same Belarusians as ordinary Russians. If we had a different Batsyko, you would behave like an ordinary Belorussian.

Otherwise, you know... We inhaled freedom under Yeltsin and judge others by our own feelings. And there was plenty of freedom...

Have you forgotten what it was like under the Soviets, or even not even under the Soviets, but under, say, Andropov? Don't you remember how you could suffer for "Deep Purple" or "The Time Machine" and even during working hours?

I remember: we were as quiet as the wind, as quiet as the grass. We didn't give a shit about politics (a cover for our own cowardice, brought up over decades). Thank God that time passed quickly.

Pu does not come to such totalitarianisms as Lukashenko. It's just bad luck for the Belarusians to a certain extent, that's all.


...some people can't even fart properly, they have to run around in saggy trousers afterwards.....)))))))))))))

I finally remembered what this constant return to the effects of digestive disorders reminds me of. My granddaughter when she was in kindergarten was fascinated by the toilet theme, she thought it was very witty. Then she outgrew it.
I finally remembered what this constant returning to the effects of digestive disorders reminds me of. My granddaughter in her kindergarten years was fond of the toilet theme, she thought it was very witty. Then she outgrew it.

How trivial to reduce everything to be honest, it seems like a person is not stupid, and there is already an age, probably have experience..... but judge as a teenager, I am older than you, you are still a larder, etc. in the same vein.....

The trick should not be to show superiority in age to the younger (and receiving from this incomprehensible satisfaction), and in the ability to make so that the younger himself came to these conclusions. but for this the older must have wisdom, and it is a thing that is not always and appears with age (I do not take you into account, because I know little, but believe there are such, and now what should take an example with such, and listen, excellently performing their teachings, from which you degrade?)

Although the opposite happens, it is not a matter of wisdom, but the presence of the ability to absorb the mind of the younger. ))))))))) but as it turns, still need wisdom to properly separate these 2 options.

PS:I will remind him about it for a long time..... that the desire to make jokes where people talk sense, will disappear. he could write such things not only here....... you should flog mikhail Andreevich, despite his avatar.


How trivial to reduce everything to be honest, it seems like a person is not stupid, and there is already an age, probably have experience..... but judge as a teenager, I'm older than you, you're still a bunny, etc. in the same vein.....

Stop writing texts for me :)) Read my elegiac post carefully and respond to what it says (pardon the pun).
Citizens of the "inquisitors", amnesty from purgatory an employee of the CIA, in honor of Victory Day. Have some conscience, it wasn't his fault, he was drunk.


Seemed like a civilized and nice guy. Didn't shit on the forum, didn't troll anyone...Why was he banned? Who knows?

Freedom for SAND!

Thank you, friends.