[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 15: May 2012) - page 104


Executives at US investment bank JPMorgan Chase are expected to resign after announcing a $2bn trading loss from securities trading at its London office. BBCRussian.com 16:49

Speaking earlier on Monday on NBC, the bank's chief executive Jamie Dimon admitted he had made a "terrible mistake" in not reviewing the actions of staff in the main investment division. "Employees, including head of the unit Ina Drew ( Ina Drew ), head of the London trading team Achilles Macris ( Achilles Macris ), and other executives may be sacked in the next 24 hours," sources said. RIA Novosti 13:18

The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC ) is analysing how JPMorgan Bank disclosed a $2bn loss on credit derivatives transactions. The SEC always pays attention to disclosures by public companies that are unexpected to investors and that cause share price volatility (the bank's stock fell more than 9% on the news of the losses).


Former ECB Issing: Greece May Have To Leave Euro Zone If It Can't Meet Commitments

and you have to ))))

Where is Mobilich, who never lies. After all, he promised to only trade the pound on PAMMs, but why did he pick up the eu?
Where is Mobilich, who never lies. After all, he promised to only trade the pound on PAMM, and why did he pick up the euro?

and who told you it was the euras?! )))


and who told you it was the euras?! )))

but not just the pound
  • According to Nobel Prize laureate Paul Krugman, the topic of the demise of the euro has been debated for months, and here is how he sees the endgame of this game:
  • 1. Greece could leave literally next month
  • 2. Mass closures of accounts in Spanish and Italian banks and withdrawal of funds to Germany will begin.
  • 3а. There may be de facto controls on capital flows and banks may be banned from taking deposits out of the country and limit the amount of cash withdrawals.
  • 3б. Instead or possibly together, loans to the ECB will begin to accrue - banks will be grasping at straws.
  • 4а. Germany has a choice. Accept huge indirect demands on Spain and Italy, and in a hurry revise its strategy - in particular, give Spain all it needs plus guarantee its debts to curb the rising cost of credit; accept higher inflation, thereby ensuring price adjustments, or:
  • 4б. End the euro.
  • And the count goes to months, not years!
  • According to Nobel Prize laureate Paul Krugman, the topic of the demise of the euro has been debated for months, and here is how he sees the endgame of this game:
  • 1. Greece could leave literally next month
  • 2. Mass closures of accounts in Spanish and Italian banks and withdrawal of funds to Germany will begin.
  • 3а. There may be de facto controls on capital flows and banks may be banned from taking deposits out of the country and limit the amount of cash withdrawals.
  • 3б. Instead or possibly together, loans to the ECB will begin to accrue - banks will be grasping at straws.
  • 4а. Germany has a choice. Accept huge indirect demands on Spain and Italy, and in a hurry revise its strategy - in particular, give Spain all it needs plus guarantee its debts to curb the rising cost of credit; accept higher inflation, thereby ensuring price adjustments, or:
  • 4б. End the euro.
  • And the count goes to months, not years!
This just confirms that all will be well and we'll rise handsomely )
This just confirms that everything will be fine and we will grow a lot )
You mean the quid will go up?
So the quid will go up?

No, the euro.

I will explain why. It's just that I read something similar in winter and even the date was given, like March 23rd... Nothing happened. Fooling us... They are convincing us to go down to go up, taking down the stops.


No, the euro.

I will explain why. It's just that I read something similar in winter and even the date was given, like March 23rd... Nothing happened. Fooling us... They are convincing us to go down to go up, taking down the stops.

Since 27 February there is an upward correction of the momentum, after it ends, which, by the way, will be very soon, the upward move will continue. who cannot see that, sorry)))