[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 15: May 2012) - page 80


euRe....parity situation...

sure enough!)

New service invented, we should make an alarm clock when the crowd from the branch calls someone!!!

A new service has been invented, an alarm clock should be set when a crowd from a branch calls someone!!!

I'm on Skype and a similar thread could be created there, a group one - we could discuss everything quickly


Good morning! Does anyone have this book, electronically.

in Russian?

The 2006 edition (in both Russian and English) is available online. no new one, apparently, yet

I'm on Skype and we could create a similar thread there, a group thread, so that we can discuss things quickly

...what's your Skype name?
The 2006 edition (in both Russian and English) is available online.
Not available in electronic form. Probably only those who already have it, but OZON is killing everything for downloading.
By the way, the (not my) TS whose signal I sounded the day before yesterday and it justified right now has a buy signal - who cares?
We'll wait for France. 27 mins to go. That will be the signal for today.

OK, I forgive you, there are thousands of lame idiots like you all over the world, who are suspicious and accusing everyone of something, or they have a skinny penis, or girls are always rejecting them, so they are just regular sore losers in everything)))) well you flattered me, I got proud, I am a DC agent! ))))

And this one... Zorich kind of reads like a nickname, now all these guys in a row, you can not drink, and you eat alcohol as if it's water, not poison ))))) and I am a real freak, I like when everything is done for free for me, freeloader ))))))

sorry for the flood.

Good for you, keep it up. I'm impressed. I especially liked the one about the flawed moron and the skinny pussy. Last week I told you your sells would be in the black... And you shit your pants and shut them down. Well, keep listening to the smart tantrics and strangers. Someday you'll have your own system if you realize yourself as a trader, though I don't think so. You'd better take up kalanetics, you'll understand better how to move your ass.

No offence intended, but switch on the other hemisphere if you can ;-)

France will be waiting. 27 mins to go. That will be the signal for today.

Already out .... 55 minutes ago

10:45EURFrench government budget balance -29.4B-30.0B -24.2B
10:45EURFrenchindustrial production (MoM) -0.9%-0.5% 0.9%