Humour - page 373

And wefrstrelly...not a French word for a long time).

It's all so individual that not everyone can quit smoking.


Everyone. You, when you quit, felt like a victim and envied those who didn't quit, while you should have been a winner and felt sorry for them. If you really want to quit for good, read the book - it just teaches you.
No needles, patches or gum. It just tells you what to do and how to do it.

Everyone is. You, by quitting, felt like a victim and were jealous of those who didn't quit, while you should have been a winner and felt sorry for them. If you really want to quit for good, read a book - it just teaches you.
No needles, patches or gum. Just tells you what to do and how to do it.

Well I can't explain to you how I felt when I tried not to smoke. Well, maybe the comparison fits, like a hysterical child, until he gets what he wants he doesn't calm down. You just lose control. And now, probably just dabbling, knowing that a couple of cigarettes won't make me lose control. As for my present condition, I can probably agree on something, but any reading won't have any effect on me. I can't exactly say whether I tried to read it or something similar, but it didn't have any effect on me. That's just the way I am.

I just want to explain to you that many, maybe even most people can be influenced by it, but not everyone. Don't stop trying to make the world a better place, but you have to understand that not everyone can be influenced through persuasion.

My own brother, by comparison. He said: "When the baby's born, that's it, I don't smoke no more." Came home from the hospital, gave me his cigarettes and never smoked again... Such different people of the same blood.

Just read it. What's the big deal?
Influence... not influence... the book teaches HOW, not zombification.

Sorry, thanks, I don't need it. As for me, I'm sure it's a waste of time. At the moment there's nothing in my way...

Sincerely Alexei.


There's nothing to apologise for, Alexei. You're the one who's sorry.
It's your life, your rules, your body and how you feel. Is that all right? Fine with me.

The body we're temporarily given is perfect enough to endure from us AND THAT, but it has its limits. I just wish I knew how many cigarettes were left before the point of no return...


There's nothing to apologize for, Alexei. It's you who's sorry.
It's your life, your rules, your body and how you feel. Is that all right? Well, that's good.

The body we're temporarily given is perfect enough to endure from us AND THAT, but it has its limits. I just wish I knew how many cigarettes were left before the point of no return...

Death is not scary.

But it is the expectation of death that is scary.

Death is a moment.

But waiting for eternity.

I don't know who said it... but I like it.

Ouch. Don't give me that bravado.
Rooks again?
Yesterday I suddenly discovered that I was out of socks. I collected them all together, washed them, and hung them on the balcony to dry. I had never had clothes pegs before, so I tied each one with a knot on a rope so it wouldn't blow away in the wind. It was -26°C outside last night.
Now I'm looking forward to spring...