Humour - page 372


We talk to each other occasionally. I don't think I've given up.)

I see.
Pass it on.


Quitting smoking is like two fingers on the pavement! I quit on September 27th. (Fuck! It's exactly 4 months today.)

I read a book.

This one:

Here it is .

I'm standing with a mate. He's smoking, I'm next to him. We start talking about a book. I patiently listen to him about how this is all bullshit and how NLP doesn't work on him, I agree and say to him, smiling evilly:
"And here are the pens!"

You should have seen his face...

Definitely a great book!

What it is really useful for is that the ideas in the book make it possible to endure difficult periods so as not to smoke again. And the "difficult periods" will become not difficult at all.

In two years you will be completely indifferent (a year later, indifferent) to smokers, even in friendly company. I have not smoked since 2010.



In two years you will be completely indifferent (a year later, indifferent) to smokers, even in friendly company. I haven't smoked since 2010.

What and I'll even stop agitating them? Oh man... :(
What and even stop agitating them? Oh man... :(

Absolutely right!))) When will you forget that "September 27" date!

What, and I'll even stop agitating them? Oh, man... :(

It's all so individual that not everyone can quit smoking.

Years ago I decided to quit too... yep... now... It's crazy, I can't do it... I read an ad for acupuncture. Called, first session costs 20p, second and subsequent sessions 10p each. On average I get three sessions and quit... Well I calculate if I smoke a pack a day for 50 cents, it turns out a month 15 rubles. I can do it in 2 sessions if I want to. Bottom line: If I don't smoke for 2 months, I won't lose anything... Let's go. The doctor is not a quack. I actually quit smoking in 2 sessions. Haven't smoked for a year, the first few days at work they mocked me offering to smoke, but don't and that's it. And sat next to everyone else in the smoking room, everything was fine, but then I snapped. Went again. After two sessions I didn't smoke for 6 or 7 years and then I lost it again... Then I went to him every year. I can't do it, I'd have an occasion and then I'd slip away.

But it's been 12 years since I've been to him. But I haven't quit altogether. As long as there's no one around who smokes, I'm fine... As soon as the next-door neighbour comes over, I'll have a smoke. But all winter long, nothing, no craving...

So all these scare stories are for the impressionable, unstable psyche.
-How did you get on television with that diction?! A favor?!
-Not a bluff... Sister!
Once upon a time the Greeks destroyed Troy, Persia, Egypt, Syria, Phoenicia, Babylon, Bactria... Now it is the turn of the European Union.
Once upon a time the Greeks destroyed Troy, Persia, Egypt, Syria, Phoenicia, Babylon, Bactria... Now it's the turn of the European Union.

And we will help them!

"Russia has not yet received a request for financial assistance fromGreece, but is ready to consider such a request if it comes,
Finance Ministry chief Anton Siluanov told CNBC.

(from Interfax)


Fools and roads.

But, after all - let's help our brothers ...