Humour - page 369



By the way, drafting a ToR is not an easy process.



By the way, it is not an easy process to create a ToR.

Naturally, it is easier to write an Expert Advisor. Therefore, programmers delegate this work to the customer! ;)

Happy Old New Year, Alexey!

Two scientists from Yale University (an economist and a psychologist) decided to teach monkeys how to use money. And they succeeded. The idea of money, as it turned out, can be assimilated by creatures with tiny brains and needs limited to food, sleep and sex. The capuchins on which the experiment was conducted are considered by zoologists to be some of the dumbest primates.

"At first glance, it really does seem like they don't need anything else in life. You can feed them marshmallows all day and they'll go and come and go and come for them all the time. So you would think that capuchins are walking stomachs," say the scientists.
American ethologists have conducted an experiment to introduce a 'working' relationship in a flock of capuchins. They devised an enclosure "job" and a "universal equivalent" - money. The work consisted of pushing a lever with a force of eight kilograms. A considerable amount of force for small monkeys. It's a real chore for them.

For every push of the lever, the monkey gets a bunch of grapes. As soon as the capuchins learned the simple rule of 'work = reward', they immediately introduced an intermediate agent - multi-coloured plastic circles. Instead of grapes they started getting tokens of different 'denominations'. The white token was used to buy one bunch of grapes, the blue one to buy two, the red one to buy a glass of soda, and so on.

Soon the monkey society was stratified. The same types of behaviour emerged in it as in the human community. There were workaholics and slackers, bandits and hoarders. One monkey managed to pull the lever 185 times in ten minutes! There was a lot of money to be made. Some preferred racketeering to work and took from others.
But the main thing that the experimenters noted: the monkeys exhibited those traits of character that had not previously been noticeable - greed, cruelty and fury in defending their money, suspicion of each other.

In a further study of economic behaviour, the monkeys were given other "money" in the form of silver discs, with a hole in the middle. After a few weeks, the capuchins learned that these coins could be used to get food.

The experimenter, who had been fond of Marxism in his youth, did not test whether work really turns a monkey into a man. He simply handed out the coins to the monkeys and taught them how to use them to buy fruit. Before that, they found out who liked what, so that they could set a different preference scale for each of the monkeys.

At first, the scale was uniform - a sour apple and a bunch of sweet grapes were paid for in the same amount of coins. Naturally, apples were not a success and the grape stock was melting. But the picture changed dramatically when the price of apples halved. After quite a while of confusion, the monkeys decided to spend their coins almost entirely on apples. And only occasionally would they allow themselves a taste of grapes.

One day, when all the test animals in the shared cage already knew that some items were more expensive and others cheaper, one of the monkeys broke into the compartment where the communal cash register was kept and appropriated all the coins for himself, fighting off people who tried to take away his metal booty. This is how the monkeys carried out their first "bank robbery".
Counterfeiters have also turned out to be among the monkeys. Scientists once carved a circle out of a cucumber that resembled the monkeys' currency. The capuchin began to chew it at first but then tried to buy something tastier with this 'fake money'.

A few more days passed, and the capuchin discovered the phenomenon of prostitution. A young male gave a coin to a female. Scientists thought he had fallen in love and given a gift. But no, the "girl" engaged in sexual intercourse with the beau for money, and then went to the window behind which the scientists were on duty and bought a few grapes from them.

Everyone was happy: monkeys and scientists alike. The monkeys mastered liberal-capitalist relations and the scientists got their PhDs.


Even in historical facts, you can find patterns.

Copied somewhere, once upon a time, but haven't checked.

If you don't believe me, check for yourself :)


Napoleon - Hitler

Napoleon was born in 1760.
Hitler was born in 1889.
(difference of 129 years)

Napoleon came to power in 1804.
Hitler came to power in 1933.
(difference of 129 years)

Napoleon entered Vienna in 1812.
Hitler entered Vienna in 1941.
(difference of 129 years)

Napoleon lost the war in 1816.
Hitler lost the war in 1945.
(difference 129 years)

Both came to power when they were 44 years old.
Both attacked Russia when they were 52.
Both lost the war when they were 56.
Lincoln - Kennedy

Lincoln was born in 1818.
Kennedy was born in 1918.
(100 year difference)

Lincoln became President of the United States in 1860.
Kennedy became President of the United States in 1960.
(100 year difference)

Both were assassinated on Friday. Both in the presence of their wives. Both were shot in the head.
Lincoln was assassinated in the Kennedy Theatre. Kennedy was killed in a Lincoln automobile.

Shortly before his death, Lincoln had visited the town of Monroe in Maryland; Kennedy had an affair with Marilyn Monroe shortly before his death.

Both Southerners. Both Democrats.
Both were U.S. senators before becoming presidents.

John Wilkes Booth, who shot Lincoln, was born in 1839.
Lee Harvey Oswald, who shot Kennedy, was born in 1939.
(100 year difference)

Both names in English spelling (John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald) have 15 letters.

Booth escaped from the theatre and was captured in the attic. Oswald escaped from the attic and was arrested in the theatre.

Lincoln's successor after the assassination is Johnson.
Kennedy's successor after the assassination - Johnson.
The first, Andrew Johnson was born in 1808.
The second, Lyndon Johnson was born in 1908.
(100 year difference)


??? !!!


Napoleon became emperor in 1804 and Hitler became Reich Chancellor in 1934 - 130 years.

And further down the line are the same tweaks and inaccuracies.


Like people here don't have internet?

Napoleon becameemperor on May 18th 1804

30 January 1933 Paul von Hindenburg appointed Adolf Hitleras Reich Chancellor

Etc. in Demi's remarks there are always such "linkages". I especially liked the one about the rubble and granite.


Like people here don't have internet?

Napoleon becameemperor on May 18th 1804

30 January 1933 Paul von Hindenburg appointed Adolf Hitleras Reich Chancellor

Etc. in Demi's remarks there are always such "linkages". I especially liked the one about rubble and granite.

On August2, 1934, at nine o'clock in the morning, German President Hindenburg died at the age of 86. Three hours later it was announced that, in accordance with a law passed by the cabinet the day before the president's death, the functions of chancellor and president were combined in one person and that Adolf Hitler had assumed the powers of head of state and commander-in-chief of the armed forces. The title of President was abolished; henceforth, Hitler was to be referred to as Führer and Reich Chancellor.

P.S. Until 1934, the supreme leader of Germany was the president, a post held by Hindenburg.

P.P.S. Granite quarries (granite quarries) come in two types - block quarries and rubble quarries. The block quarries extract granite in blocks for production of granite tiles, slabs, paving stones, etc. On rubble granite open pits mined rubble (raw material for production of crushed stone) and rubble stone. Mining technology is different - mass blasting for crushed stone and non-explosive methods (LDC, Diamond wire saws, etc) for block quarries.

Yeah, it's all sad.....