Humour - page 242


1 A single human cell contains 75MB of genetic information.

2. One sperm contains 37.5Mb.

3. One milliliter contains about 100 million sperm.

4. An average ejaculation lasts 5 seconds and contains 2.25 ml of sperm.

5. Thus, the capacity of the male penis will be

(37.5M x 100M x 2.25)/5 = (37,500,000 bytes/sperm x 100,000,000 sperm/ml x 2.25ml) / 5 seconds = 1,687,500,000,000 bytes/second = 1.6875 terabytes/second

It turns out that a female egg can withstand this DDoS attack of one and a half terabytes per second, missing only one selected data packet

and is the world's most awesome hardwar firewall...

But that one packet it misses puts the system down for 9 months...

ha... if only...

not that she (the ovum) is filtering at all, but accepting the first "man" that gets to her first.



Well, now that we're on the subject of reproduction, here you go:

The average length of a man's erect penis is 18.3cm. The average depth of a woman's vagina is 20.6cm.
Total for the past year, taking into account the size and sex composition of the working-age population of Russia, the gross under...b of the country was 384,539 kilometres 762 metres 94 cm 18 mm.


Well, now that we're on the subject of reproduction, here you go:

The average length of a man's erect penis is 18.3cm. The average depth of a woman's vagina is 20.6cm.
Total for the past year, taking into account the size and sex composition of Russia's working-age population, the gross under...b of the country was 384,539 kilometres 762 metres 94 cm 18 mm.

There is no need to touch the limits, as everyone knows the clitoris is at the start of the reference point. Let 3 cm be enough already))))))))

Well, now that the "breeding" theme has been broached, here you go:

The average length of a man's erect penis is 18.3cm. The average depth of a woman's vagina is 20.6cm.
Total for the last year, taking into account the number and sex composition of able-bodied population of Russia, the gross under...b for the country was 384,539 kilometres 762 metres 94 cm 18 mm.

1. The entry 94 cm 18 mm, not 95 cm 8 mm, is confusing.

2. Gross under-.... does not divide evenly by 2.3 (20.6-18.3). So either there are not enough people or not all acts have been completed ))))

There is no need to touch the limits, as everyone knows the clitoris is at the starting point. Let 3 cm be enough already))))))))

With 3 cm, you just have to laugh and go to bed.

ha... if only...

she doesn't filter, she accepts the first man who gets to her.


Well, that's where you're wrong, it's not the one that got there first, it's the one that's as unlike the genome as possible :)

Well, that's where you're wrong, it's not the one that got there first, it's the one that's as unlike the genome as possible :)

That's an old joke.)))

The sperm are running towards the egg. And one is lame, lagging behind... So he shouts to the others, "Hey, we're fucked, we're in the boo-.....". All the healthy sperm, swearing loudly, run backwards. And our lame hero slowly made his way to the right place, saying, "That's how sneaky people are born."


Well, that's where you're wrong, it's not the one that got there first, it's the one that's as unlike the genome as possible :)

The one that came first is accepted.

The one that comes first is accepted.

To be more precise, one of those who make it to the target is taken. Usually there are several "heroes" near the "lady" and they secrete enzymes that mark out the dense shell. And when the shell gets quite loose, the one who was near the softer part of the shell gets inside, or the one who is the strongest and managed to defeat the initially impassable wall first. On rare occasions more than one hero gets in and the egg is divided into the appropriate number of pieces - identical twins (not to be confused with twins who have one egg for each).

PS. a great blockbuster could be made on this subject, hehe... )


To be more precise, one of those who make it to the target is taken. Usually there are several "heroes" near the "lady" and they secrete enzymes that mark out the dense shell. And when the shell gets quite loose, the one who was near the softer part of the shell gets inside, or the one who is the strongest and managed to defeat the initially impassable wall first. On rare occasions, several heroes get inside at once, and the egg divides into the appropriate number of parts - identical twins (not to be confused with twins who have one egg for each).

PS. a great blockbuster could be made on this subject, hehe... )

Yeah, you guys didn't do so well. I can tell. MAN'S FORUM!!!!! And no room for chicks here....