Negro! - page 108


The condition is the context in which we find ourselves. We with our good and bad karma, the market, other market entities, each with their own karma, dealers (with their spreads) and so on. And it is always somewhere in the middle of our actions and their results.

The spreads are not at the dealer's . Correct your karma.

The condition is the context we are in. Us with our bad and good karma, the market, other market objects, each with their own karma, dealers (with their spreads) and so on. And it is always somewhere in the middle of our actions and their results.

I see, you don't have to go on about good intentions and karma, since the context, then yes, so what....

and it was worth all this. why? you understand that in the end it will all come down to the context and its definition, why these high notes about karma martins and other things...... why don't you tell me the following?

1-what is context and how is it defined.

2. how is the context defined and how is it defined?

For me context is defined as individual frequency of each selected frequency (for someone it's a market price), that is the division of each level into sections with given price behavior parameters, or selection of similar stationary areas (flat or trends as some people on the Forum did) that alternate at irregular intervals.

Sanek, they're going to shit on the subject.

), busy at the moment, we'll fix it later.


Spreads are not at the dealer . Karma corrected.

If it's a dealer's kitchen, it's a dealer's kitchen. and mt's add-on capabilities for the dealer can help you set spreads and anything else you need, almost personal to the individual client ...... it's not even a subject of debate anymore..... but. it's a kitchen.


I see, don't go on about good intentions and karma, as long as the context, then yes, then what the heck....

and it was worth all this. why? you understand that in the end it will all come down to the context and its definition, why these high notes about karma martins and other things...... why don't you tell me the following?

1-what is context and how is it defined.

2. how is the context defined and how is it defined?

For me context is defined as individual frequency of each selected frequency (for someone it's a market price), i.e. it's a breakdown of each level into sections with given price behavior parameters, or selection of similar stationary areas (flat or trends as some people on the forum did) that alternate at irregular intervals.

You're all about specifics, I'm all about generalities. We won't understand each other that way. I added some more there. Willpower still add (the refusal of passive lying - keep your word, even when not advantageous). For thorough knowledge - analysis, analysis and analysis again. For a thorough knowledge there is also an experience-theoretical way, apart from analytical.

Sanek, they're going to trash the topic.

You should be glad. The topic lives, develops and flourishes.

You're all about specifics, I'm all about generalities. We won't understand each other that way. I wrote some more there. Willpower still add (the refusal of passive lying - keep your word, even when not advantageous). For thorough knowledge - analysis, analysis and analysis again. For thorough knowledge there is also an experience-theoretical way, besides analytical.

We should rejoice. The subject lives, develops and flourishes.

but at least the highlighted could have been written without brain twisting)))) why these glamorous appeals to the universe in the lotus position.....

There are two reasons for misunderstanding, either the inability to convey a thought (I often do), but not on purpose. or, as with you, even a simple point is turned inside out on purpose, although you can do it in a simpler way.
maybe complexes...... and there's nothing wrong with that, everyone has them.... all right, so you don't fall flat, just say you don't have them )))))))))))


You should be happy. The theme lives, develops and thrives.

What's there to be happy about? The flooder and the karma get together and they don't know where to go next.)

ZS: Cain and Abel once argued over which is cooler than C or Pascal.)


clear, complexes......

Context is volume accumulation levels + price level. As there in the postulates of analysis: price accounts for everything - this is the price level. Here volume accumulation is the cause and price is the condition. It is the context. Law analysis (cause and condition), value analysis (action and result).

What's to be happy about? A flooder and karma got together and they don't know where to go next.)

ZS: Kain and Abel once argued over which is cooler than C or Pascal.)

I agree, time for me to get busy. Let's go into passive contemplation mode. Better talk about beer.

Shutting down the leaks... Or the trade won't go well. Got to save merit to become a millionaire, and fast.

Karma is just information and nothing more. So the Law of Karma may be called the Law of Information in the modern manner. Information is something that has no substance (immutable essence), something that is constantly changing. It is not something external, incomprehensible and unknown, alien. Part of us is entirely made up of karma - that which is temporary, an illusion. And the other part of us is substance, that which is eternal, unchanging, permanent, timeless. So in that sense we are all karma (not just me, because I pointed out this fact to you) on one side and not karma on the other. Ignorance of the law (ignorance) does not exempt from responsibility. By the way - the soul is also karma, the essence of the soul is not karma. The fact that I often use this concept, it means my world, my value system and if it does not coincide with yours (where there is more room for beer), which the majority have gathered here (a fisherman sees fish from afar), it does not mean that you can spit in it and wipe your feet on it. And it has as much right to exist as beer.

I'm out of here. Corrected yesterday's mistakes. Keep your word and don't engage in polemics!