Negro! - page 107


Everyone has drawdowns. But they are not drains. And in order not to drain it is enough one desire (willpower), and the ability to distinguish a drawdown from a drain.

2. There are ways to fill. This is another separate subject.

There are methods of filling. Manual, automatic, semiautomatic. This is another separate topic.

In short, not to plummet the deposit, and to make it grow, you have to fill it faster than to plum! Great!

But where can I find such a generous pusher? ))))


Except where can I find such a generous pourer? ))))

(bangs on his head))
(banned mercilessly))
Are you still getting poured so far? Is the dose of pouring increasing?
Are you still getting poured? Are you getting an increase in your fillings?

Yeah, I'm going to answer that and get sent back to the bathhouse.

You'll have to ask me in person.


Yeah, I'm going to answer that and get sent back to the bathhouse.

You'd better ask me in person.

I'm gonna come in with my wallet and demand a drink. I could knock over a couple of freebies. ))))

In short, in order not to lose the deposit, and for it to grow, you need to fill up faster than you lose it! That's great!

But where to find such a generous pusher? ))))

How hard it is...

We are not the ones who are losing, the brokerage companies (our deposits) are losing the spread! We can only pour either the same amount, so there is no plum, or at least a little more to make a profit (return on cost of circulation).

Drainage is an external condition that is beyond our control and we cannot influence it in any significant way, except that we can reduce the cost of it by about half if we use a rational approach. And filling is an intrinsic condition, an inherent property of TC. Here it's all up to us. There is, however, another kind of flush - it is a fixed drawdown, if our karma is heavy, and we do not have enough merit to withstand it (the depression is too deep).

Look for it and find it.


How hard it is...

We don't drain, the dealers (our deposits) drain the spread! We can only pour in either the same amount so that we don't drain, or at least a little more so that there is profit (return on cost of circulation).

Search and find.

The most interesting thing in your picture (as it seemed to me) is the condition, you need to make this condition to be the centre of oscillation, isn't that the point and the problem? and martin is not a pirvicent here, but on the other hand with it you can derive almost any curve on the history.


Have you been released yet?

If you want to check the position of the hexagonal movement in the same way as in the vertical position you need to check the position of the hexagonal movement in the opposite direction.

The condition is the context we are in. We are with our good and bad karma, the market, other market objects, with their karma, brokerage companies (with their spreads) and so on. And it is always somewhere in the middle of our actions and their results. In short, we have to make the trough less than the crest by the value of spread. This is at a minimum. A thorough knowledge, observance of the commandments and accumulation of merit will help you.

Or rather, you have to do a little differently. A trough less than a ridge is certainly a good thing. But it is not the solution to the problem. What we need is to contrast the angle of discharge (spread) pointing downwards with the angle of inflow (a thorough knowledge or a property of the TS based on it) pointing upwards. And for this angle to be at least a little bigger (for starters).


They let you out yet?

ran away to the internet holes.