[ARCHIVE] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 14: April 2012) - page 92

Hello! Margaret.

Soros warns euro crisis could destroy EU

Billionaire George Soros warned on Monday that the euro crisis is deepening, Reuters reported. According to the financier, the reason is that politicians are proposing the wrong methods of dealing with the crisis, writes journalist John Etcher. "The euro is undermining the political integrity of the EU and if this continues, it could even destroy the EU. The reason is a misunderstanding of the problem," Soros said in Copenhagen, in a discussion with Denmark's economy minister. According to Soros, euro creators did not understand that imbalances could be caused not only by the public sector but also by the markets themselves. Now politicians believe that the euro crisis is a fiscal crisis, although it began with the collapse of the US banking system and was exacerbated by the uneven competitiveness of European countries.

Finally someone is in solidarity with Wizard ))))...

finally someone in solidarity with Wizard ))))...
yeah, he's the one who quit a month ago, now he's starting to perform... never heard from him before (licking his wounds)

Well who said anything about black Tuesday.

buy is on the plus side...

Puppetry is not a luxury - it is a means of survival .
Yeah, he was the one who leaked a month ago, now he's starting to perform... before that, you couldn't hear him (licking his wounds).

All are equal before the market ... but when the brand returns will be more interesting (more predictable it seems to me) ... but when only dz't know ... 3 years probably at least ... for now this and that ...

all are equal before the market...but the brand will be more interesting when it comes back (more predictable I think)...but when?...maybe 3 years at least...for now...for now...
analysts are predicting a bad stock market in a flat for the next two years
analysts predict a flat stock market for the next two years

They're so fast... we have to remember to collect the May from the Germans... let it lie there... then analyse it... otherwise they'll start from scratch...
Yeah, he was the one who leaked a month ago, now he's starting to perform... before that, you couldn't hear him (licking his wounds).

uh, margo, is this a soros story or did i miss something? I haven't seen it, maybe it's just a rumor ?

Margot, is this a fake Soros story or did I miss something? I haven't seen it, maybe it's just a rumour ?
no, there were a few big investors, i can't remember the list, including microsoft... their investment funds got a stake - that i remember exactly... it was when the stock market took a sharp turn (it just crashed)...i also said it was strange that the stock market is going down and the euwas virtually standing still