unbalanced parantheses - page 5

liana: What if I need both of them to check later?

This is, as far as I understand, a script.

Use other functions in the other script. And there are always many solutions to the problem. In general, dummies don't ask such questions... ;)))

Try copying into an editor that supports Unicode first and then save in Vin1251 or ISO. try it with Notpad+.

I usually copy it into Word and save it in the forum. But Kim also has attached files - there's a problem with them - I can't see any russian texts there.

What if I need both of them later for checking?

If I need to keep them as they are?

Kim wrote his functions a long time ago. Some of the laws of mathematics in Metatrader work in a special way. I am referring to the organization of order rebounding in a market environment. Kim's:

  for (i=0; i<k; i++)

and I need them both backwards (I don't have the link for that at hand):

  for (i=к-1; i>=0; i--)

Kim wrote his functions a long time ago. Some of the laws of mathematics in Metatrader work in a special way. I am referring to the organization of order enumeration in a market environment. In Kim's case:

It should be in the opposite direction (I don't have links for the reason at hand):

That's great. But you see, my task so far is to learn how to call ready-made functions (in this case Kim's). Changing something in the functions themselves is another level.
That's why I need to understand - there are two ready-made functions (one for open and another one for pending). How to check them sequentially and then open an order? This is it.

I also need to correctly place brackets.


It would be easier and more correct to download a Russifier for your version of Windows from microsoft's website.

Try renaming the source files to .txt and opening them in Wordboard


That's great. But you see, my task so far is to learn how to call ready-made functions (in this case Kim's). Changing something in the functions themselves is another level.
That's why I need to understand - there are two ready-made functions (one for open and another one for pending). How to check them sequentially and then open an order? This is it.

You have already written it in the previous post.

The FAQ answered your question.

You call it with empty brackets. They return true or false depending on whether there are positions or orders. If both are false, you open an order.


This is good. But you see, my task for now is to learn to call ready-made functions (in this case, Kim's). Changing something in the functions themselves is another level.
That's why I need to understand - there are two ready-made functions (one for open and another one for pending). How to check them sequentially and then open an order? This is it.

I also need to correctly place brackets.

And you should also learn how to act rationally in parallel with this task. The code in both mentioned functions is identical except for ONE line - this line filters by order type. Therefore, it would be reasonable to make the check by one function. At least, it is in this script.

P.S. Learning is difficult, and retraining is VERY IMPOSSIBLE... ;)))


Don't worry about it, the Russian letters are just comments, they start with //.

I'm not worried, but you're the one who's sending me to those comments. :))

I'm not worried, but it's you who are sending me to these comments. :))

Well, you're reading them from the forum, and that's half the battle.