[What do you mean by the word grail] Grail. - page 17


It's still an abstraction, but you have to start somewhere. I can guess why it is so difficult to find the grail. I know two meanings of the word "find".

1) 5*(х-2)=10. You have to find x. In this case, the word "find" means to calculate using brains and, for the especially gifted, a calculator, i.e. to do the work and get the result.

2) Searching the forum and kodobase with the idea of "someone must have accidentally lost a grail, and I'll find it...".

Usually they are looking for the second way, so let them keep looking, while I started to solve the problem in this way.

Another option is to keep dreaming about a system that brings 500% a day, or predicts an unpredictable part. Maybe it's possible with a shamanic tambourine or weed, I don't know, but it's definitely outside the scope of technical analysis.

You may have felt the same way yourself when you first came to the forum, you scavenged through public domain rubbish before you started creating your own.

I, too, have long since crossed that line and gone through the rubbish in open access and then started creating their own stuff.

i have also long crossed the line of codebase. nevertheless, i still cannot implement my thoughts. what does this have to do with free money and its allusions? if you think that manual checks and recalculations over several years is free money, for me it's not. think that from your first minutes in forex you understand that everything is garbage and you need to count yourself, i doubt it, and you probably also went through the 2nd point. so do not talk about dreams of 500% per month, although they are real.


Alexei, now you're talking about the Holy Grail.

Do you have any experience of at least one situation where you understood the problem but could not solve it?

Late answer, but never mind)))

Yes, there is such a task, it's not for nothing that I started about chess)) My six-year-old daughter just came to the chess school six months ago, and after a month of classes she won the city's championship for preschoolers. So I'm sitting with her at the board and clearly understand the task - to beat a six-foot-tall snot-nose. But I can't. And I'm not stupid... although it's situations like this that give me the benefit of the doubt... )))))


_ although these situations begin to take their toll)))))

And if Boris Spassky(Fischer, Karpov, Kasparov, Botvinnik, Petrosian, etc.) were put in charge of MT4 (or 5). What will happen? I'm sure nothing good will happen.
It's like putting skates on Valuev's feet.

The grail is to have a lot of money, or to manage a lot of money receiving commissions, aiming for market returns of 20-30%.

The grail is to have access to cheap Fed loans, to put money in a foreign bank account where the interest is higher, to hedge risk with futures.

The grail is to know the future with insider knowledge.


The Grail is a risk-free trading strategy that always generates profits as a result of its use.

The Grail may make a loss on individual trades, but it is not capable of wiping out your entire

trading deposit and show profit as a result of all trades it executes.

The Grail theme is widely used to trick unqualified investors and became especially popular with the advent of automated trading.

Many cannot believe that any trading strategy is risky, which means that sooner or later it can lead to a Stop Out on a trading account.

No one wants to believe that in the end the result of an investment does not depend on the accuracy of the algorithm, but on the simple luck of the investor, his luck and fate.

The search for the Holy Grail is one of the main reasons of popularization of MetaTrader 4 platform, when the "Grail" can be found in 5 minutes by running optimization of any trading strategy in the Strategy Tester,

based on moving averages crossover. At the same time, there is no tool that allows to determine the real probability of strategy profitability

(not to be confused with the probability of a profitable trade) in MetaTrader 4 trading platform.


The grail is to have a lot of money, or to manage a lot of money receiving commissions, aiming for market returns of 20-30%.

The grail is to have access to cheap Fed loans, to put money in a foreign bank account where the interest is higher, to hedge risk with futures.

The grail is to know the future with insider knowledge.

1. Graal - when the results of trading reliably exceed the refinancing rate (currently 8% per annum) by 2-10 times, optimally by 5 times, it is 40% per annum or 2.8-3% per month;

2. An attempt to go beyond these figures leads the trader not to the market, but to the casino, with all that implies, in particular, a meeting with a 95/5 probability;

3. Many times I try to convey to participants this obvious truth, still do not decrease the number of casino players, even growing appetite.


Don't exaggerate, you yourself probably shoveled through open source code when you first came to the forum and then started creating your own.

The code does not contain grail ones, but grail thoughts do occur.

I was not referring to you, but in general. You're working. I've seen a body somewhere that asked me to write him an EA making 20 pips a day for 50 quid. As if he is not greedy, he does not need more. Here is such TOR... And when we asked him why he hadn't written it, if it was so easy, he answered that he was not ready to spend 2 months of his precious time on learning the language and he actually needed his Expert Advisor in a week.

1. Graal - when the results of trading reliably exceed the refinancing rate (currently 8% per annum) by 2-10 times, optimally by 5 times, that is 40% per annum or 2.8-3% per month;

Yusuf, for you a special promotional offer: transfer your account to USD (rate 0.25%) and increase the profitability of your trading strategy by 32 times!!!

p.s. 8/0.25 = 32


1. Graal - when trading results reliably exceed the refinancing rate (currently 8% per annum) by 2-10 times, optimally by 5 times, that is 40% per annum or 2.8-3% per month;

2. An attempt to go beyond these figures leads the trader not to the market, but to the casino, with all that implies, in particular, a meeting with a 95/5 probability;

3. Many times I try to convey to participants this obvious truth, still do not decrease the number of casino players, even growing appetite.

Have you poured money into your PAMM? When you start, don't forget to let us know with a link to it...

Yusuf, there is a special promotion for you: transfer your account to USD (0.25% stake) and increase the profitability of your trading strategy by 32 times!!!

p.s. 8/0.25 = 32

According to you, take 8m of petrol, divide by a quarter litre of chintz and you get 32m?