[What do you mean by the word grail] Grail. - page 15

Roma, your ability to turn any... uh... raw material, I admire you.

Yay!!! :-) That's a different story! :-)

Why are you throwing around nuggets like that!!! :-)


A grail is something that yields 500% per month with a risk of no more than 10% to the funds.

Considering the fact that there is no one TS, indicator, who constantly predicts with 100% result the next fluctuation by 0.00001 pip, there is no grail.


A grail is something that yields 500% per month with a risk of no more than 10% to the funds.

Given that there is no one TS, indicator, who constantly predicts with 100% result the next fluctuation by 0.00001 pip, there is no grail.

Why 500% and not 50 or 1000?

And why 500% and not 50 or 1000?

It's a nice figure.

50% is not the same, given that most retail traders operate with small initial deposits.


It's a nice figure.

50% is not the same, given that most retail traders operate with small initial deposits.

It all depends on the definition of grail.

The FAQ gave a good concept... universal...

I don't think the definition should be tied to profit percentages... because those percentages depend on volatility.

The grail is ideally a system that squeezes the maximum theoretically possible number of pips out of a given market condition...

The Grail is a theory that will make accurate predictions about currency movements based on historical data.

A grail is something that yields 500% per month with a risk of no more than 10% to the funds.

Considering the fact that there is no one TS, indicator, who constantly predicts with 100% result the next fluctuation by 0.00001 pip, there is no grail.

This is a very strange definition of a grail. 499% would not be a grail. And 501% does not seem to be a grail either, only exactly 500%.

The grail may even be an indicator and by itself bring nothing and have nothing to do with risk.

How can you be sure there are no such TS? Do you know ALL of them? Definitely not. Do you know half of ALL? Probably not either, but let's assume you know half of EVERYTHING. So how can you be sure that no such TC can exist in the other half?

Even better is sack boxing. Women's.
Better yet, bed wrestling under the covers )

The Holy Grail is a mysterious Christian artefact, found and lost. The words 'Holy Grail' are often used in a figurative sense to refer to some cherished goal, often unattainable or difficult to achieve.

The legend is thought to be based on the Christian apocrypha about Joseph of Arimathea's arrival in Britain. Another version holds that the legend has local roots, tracing its roots back to the mythology of the ancient Celts. Others believe the legend of the Grail is linked to an occult society that was founded in times immemorial and held secret knowledge that was passed down from generation to generation.

The word "Grail", according to scholars, comes from the French Gradalis, which means "vessel". Another hypothesis is that Graal comes from the Irish cryol, which means "basket of plenty". Another hypothesis is that this word comes from the reinterpretation of the phrase sang real, which means "true blood" (meaning the blood of Jesus Christ).

There are several theories regarding the nature of the Holy Grail:
- The first, and most common, is that it is the chalice from which the disciples of Jesus took communion at the Last Supper and into which his followers later collected several drops of blood from the Saviour who was crucified on the cross. The cup and the spear with which Christ was wounded were preserved and brought to Britain by Joseph of Arimathea.

According to another theory, the Holy Grail had a double meaning. On the one hand it was the blood of the descendants of Jesus, "sang raal", "sang real", or "sang royal" - "royal blood" - whose faithful guardians were the Templars, directly descended from the Community of Zion; on the other hand, literally, it was a cup, a vessel that received and preserved the blood of Jesus.
He who drank from the grail receives forgiveness of sins, eternal life, etc. In some versions even a close contemplation gives immortality for some time as well as various benefits in the form of food, drink, etc.

- According to another version, the Grail is some kind of sacred stone associated with the secret life of Jesus.
- The third version claims that the Grail is a precious mystical relic which survived the flood.
The person who drinks from the grail receives remission of sins and eternal life.

The version that is fundamentally different from the rest is the version that the Grail is a state of mind, the union of man with God, i.e. to find the Grail means to reach enlightenment.

About the Grail, there are many myths, legends and lore that are widely known. There are connections between Britain and Palestine which made it possible for the Grail to be transferred to Glastonbury to lay the foundation for Arthur's kingdom.
From the mass of contradictory legends it is impossible to know exactly what the Grail was or is. Obviously, no single physical object could [simultaneously] meet all of the above characteristics. Most likely, the mystical Grail takes various forms in the minds of those who see it or wish to see it: a crystal bowl, or the brightest light, or the Buddha's begging bowl ~ all depends on each person's ability to comprehend.
But the only explanation that seems to be repeated in all the legends is this: the Grail can only be seen by those in whom its inner matrix is already contained. Just as a person with a treasure map will inevitably find it if he has a strong desire, so those who have woven the Grail into the tapestry of their life will attract it to themselves according to the principle "like attracts like" (so inner causes lead to outer consequences).

Nothing could shut the Grail from Galahad's eyes, because the cup was an integral part of himself, already living in him. Some call it destiny. In contrast to this, just as a treasure eludes him who has no map, so those knights who have not mastered the mystery of the Grail could not find it. They have not seen it, though they have eaten the fabulous viands served upon it.
But the Grail can be forged and found. Those who do not have the formula for it "written on their forehead" can go as apprentice to a skilful Master, who has it and is able to create the chalice. Take for instance Perceval, who did not see the Grail at the Feast of Pentecost. After a difficult wandering, searching, fasting and praying, he finally saw it as it is.
Perhaps the Grail is the eternal precious mystery, the archaeo-typical image that conquers the ages, because it is the inner goal that beckons us in all our searches.
Perhaps the Grail produces an inner sound like the ringing of a crystal bell. It is the ringing cup, the vessel we are destined to become, the receptacle of God's gifts, the dispenser of His infinite Light.
The idea of the physical cup, the material Grail which the mind and hands can grasp, is the magnet which gathers souls for the lifelong spiritual quest - the discovery of the inner Light and Holy Grail and the becoming of it.

taken from http://grail.org.ua/whotgrail


This is the proof of the non-existence of the grail I hear all the time. Is there no way to do it without absorbing all the money? Are you familiar with the concept of "enough"?

So there seems to be a discrepancy in the understanding of the grail, you say one thing and you say another.

What is your definition of the grail? Is it a limited grail or something else?

i.e. it is possible to consider a grail as a ts without considering deposit values, i.e. analyzing only entry and exit points of ts, which should result in pips gain.

But on the other hand, ts can be built considering the deposit, i.e. we should add the size per trade to the analysis of entries and exits.

On the other hand, it is possible to build a grail system taking into account inputs and outputs, i.e. to analyze incoming and outgoing trades, add the deposit size. by the way, even a losing tool can be made a grail if you know when and how much money to deposit during a deal, but this grail has limitations.