[What do you mean by the word grail] Grail. - page 11

I don't mean the glass (I mean C2H5[OH]), I mean the science. Few people deal with this subject professionally.
Many schools put their teachings on the internet, and a lot of it was considered secret and passed on to students in a secure way. And somewhere I came across the reasons for this - it's because science has come close to the astral field and is experimenting there (naturally secret military).
Is this a topic you are dealing with?
Is this a topic you are dealing with?
No. (i.e. I do spiritual development, not the fields)

Even if the grail actually exists, it is not certain that it can be found in any reasonable amount of time.

Alexei, here you are talking about the quest for the grail.

Do you have any experience of at least one situation where you understood the problem but could not solve it?

tara: Do you have any experience of at least one situation when you understood the problem, but could not solve it?

Not a good one, there are some in mathematics.

Fermat's Grand Theorem (understandable even to a slightly advanced sixth grader) - or Riemann hypothesis, for example (understandable to a high school olympiad student or a university sophomore at most).


No way, there are such things in mathematics.

Fermat's Grand Theorem (understandable even to a slightly advanced 6th grader) - or the Riemann hypothesis, for example (understandable to a high school Olympiad student or at least a sophomore at uni).

Well, don't take it :)

Nizachod, there are these in maths.

OK, let's start with those.

Did you want to solve them?


Yes, I did. But let's not go any further. I see where you're going with this. You're going to talk about learning from your ancestors first. I didn't fully do that, I tried to solve it by my own means.

But this is a different case. Studying TA is definitely not helpful: it's a dead end, because TA tools are created by experienced traders, but amateurs in mathematics. A decent training in matstat/terver might help.

P.S. Livermore wasn't helped by TA/FA knowledge, he still got drained clean several times. He remains a great trader, but mainly because of trading psychology.


Yes, I did. But let's not go any further. I see where you're going with this. You're going to talk about learning from your ancestors first. I didn't fully do that, I tried to solve it by my own means.

But this is a different case. Studying TA is definitely not helpful: it's a dead end, because TA tools are created by experienced traders, but amateurs in mathematics. A decent training in matstat/terver can help.

We won't, so we won't.

You don't have to learn from experience, you have to have your own perspective on every problem.

You just have to understand the essence of it. That's all :)

Who's Livermore?