[ARCHIVE!] Any rookie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't pass by. Can't go anywhere without you - 4. - page 443

MQL is my first language in general (apart from Russian and Ukrainian), so, unfortunately, there is no way to "master" the Documentation))

The MQL-documentation and MQL-textbook are like the Bible and a textbook.

Think about what to choose to read and study - the primary documentation or the author's interpretation?


a) even if misunderstood, does it prevent you from doing the right programmes?

b) did you check? and how, was an extra object created?

b) the graphical object is indeed created(

a) of course it prevents... take this case for example... well ok, an extra graphical object is such a thing... If I "did not fully understand" a function (for example), I would use it to calculate some values, which in turn would affect the criteria for opening / closing a position, then not only would these calculations would give me nothing clear, but I WOULD NOT KNOW WHERE TO SEARCH for errors, because I would be absolutely sure that everything was correct. I think a misunderstanding (incomplete understanding) is even worse than a complete misunderstanding: with a complete misunderstanding (and totally incorrect use in the program), I would at least be saved by the compiler, and with something like I said in the question - nothing will save

That's why I want to understand what I'm going to use


Documentation and an MQL textbook are like the Bible and an MQL textbook.

Think about which to choose to read and study - the primary documentation or the author's interpretation?

The thing is that I've already read the textbook (5 or 6 times and made a note of it for myself), and the documentation itself (at least 3 times), and made some scripts and indicators.... Those questions I'm asking now are sort of a "wiping up" of the remaining misunderstood points... This is what justifies my "annoying" repetition of questions... I don't want to leave any black holes...

MQL is my first language at all (apart from Russian and Ukrainian), so, unfortunately, there is no way to "master" the Documentation))

Think about this - MQL is one of the few programming languages originally written by native speakers of Russian language and mentality. And not a translated one, as most programming languages are. So to understand its essence is not really difficult. Also, it is very, very easy, and perfectly suits the role of "first language". If the documentation is too heavy for you, you can continue learning from a tutorial (of which there are many on the Internet). But remember that any interpretation of anything involves the vision and methods of the interpreter. I strongly recommend you to study the documentation, you need to know it like multiplication table. You'll get there anyway, so why go the roundabout way.

Hi all!

I'm just starting to learn MQL (please don't judge too harshly).

I have a question from MQL4 tutorial.

I have started the program and it works.

I don't understand how the program counts from 10 to 19, if the loop operator"for(int i=20; i<=90; i=i+10)" counts from 20 and "for(int j=1; j<=9; j++)" from 1 to 9.

Please explain.

The count goes from 20, as all array values BEFORE 20 are INCLUDING initialized (set) explicitly in lines: Text[1]="one";Text[2]="two"; ... ; Text[20]="twenty". The rest (21 to 29; 31 to 39; ...) are set using for loops
What about orders closing themselves after a while????
What about orders closing themselves after a while????

Yes, if Uncle Kolya is here....

double valHigh = iHigh(Symbol(),PERIOD_H1,1);
double valLow  = iLow(Symbol(),PERIOD_H1,1);

it doesn't work, different timeframes have different data and you need the last hour:(

it doesn't work, different data on different timeframes, and I need it for the last hour :(
Have you seen this function?
int iHighest( string symbol, int timeframe, int type, int count=WHOLE_ARRAY, int start=0) ?
Have you looked at this function?
int iHighest( string symbol, int timeframe, int type, int count=WHOLE_ARRAY, int start=0) ?

