[ARCHIVE!] Any rookie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't pass by. Can't go anywhere without you - 4. - page 450


When debugging the indicator, you need to print out an array of price and time values from certain bars on the shifft.

I get all this inside the operator, of course:

Then, I transfer the price and time values to arrays in order to work with them further:

I try to print out what I already have immediately afterwards:

This is what is printed in the Expert Log:

Here we can clearly see that price values of both varsTime1[i] andvarsTime2[i] and just prices from time1 andtime2 are always 0. What's wrong?

i_maTF == Period()??????,

i_maPeriod takes a reasonable value???

Well maybe there is something wrong with i_maShiftByPrice???

It's hard to be more precise.


I understand that I don't want to speculate, but can you at least give me a hint if the problem is clear to you?

Give me all the code

No, it only means that the data matched a piece of history.

You could have entered it manually, for example. Or written from a text file. Or you could have gotten it from a calculation.

Because even by entering some conditional data "1.25 1.16 1.73 1.35" we may get the history for some currency many years ago. But that doesn't mean that we've set up an array timeseries

Tweaked the original script a bit:

1. I copied to the custom array only 5 latest opening prices.

2. Calculated the obtained custom array by all 5 copied opening prices.

//|                                                                ArrayGetAsSeries_плюс.mq4 |
//|                         script program start function                                    |
//------------------------------------ НАЧАЛО START -------------------------------------- 1 -
int start()                                           //функция start
  {                                                   //начало start
   double Timestart=GetTickCount();                   //переменная, с помощью которой вычисляется время (в милисекундах) начала выполнения эксперта 
   double array1[];                                   //объявляем массив-приемник (массив, куда будут скопированы данные)
   int element=ArrayCopy(array1,Open,0,0,5);          //копируем данные по максимальным ценам в пользовательский массив (начиная с 1-о бара, а не с нулевого)
   int size=ArraySize(array1);                        //устанавливаем количество элементов массива array1
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 -
   Comment("\nФункция ArrayCopy(array1[],Open,0,0,WHOLE_ARRAY) вернула: ",element,
           "\nФункция ArraySize(array1) вернула: ",size,
           "\nЗначение цены открытия бара №0 равно ",array1[0],"; Время цены открытия бара №0: ",TimeToStr(iTime(NULL,0,0),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES),
           "\nЗначение цены открытия бара №1 равно ",array1[1],"; Время цены открытия бара №1: ",TimeToStr(iTime(NULL,0,1),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES),
           "\nЗначение цены открытия бара №2 равно ",array1[2],"; Время цены открытия бара №2: ",TimeToStr(iTime(NULL,0,2),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES),
           "\nЗначение цены открытия бара №3 равно ",array1[3],"; Время цены открытия бара №3: ",TimeToStr(iTime(NULL,0,3),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES),
           "\nЗначение цены открытия бара №4 равно ",array1[4],"; Время цены открытия бара №4: ",TimeToStr(iTime(NULL,0,4),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES),
           "\nФункция ArrayGetAsSeries(array1) вернула: ",ArrayGetAsSeries(array1),
           "\nСкрипт выполнялся всего ",GetTickCount()-Timestart," миллисекунд, из них: ",MathFloor((GetTickCount()-Timestart)/1000),
           " секунд ",((GetTickCount()-Timestart)/1000-MathFloor((GetTickCount()-Timestart)/1000))*1000," миллисекунд");//печать 
           //сообщения на экран
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 -
   return(0);                                                             //выход из start
  }                                                                       //конец start
//-------------------------------------- КОНЕЦ START -------------------------------------- 4 -

Here is what I have got:

As you can see from the figure, the open prices are indexed in reverse order (as evidenced by the NUMBER of bar open prices (goes in ascending order) and TIME of bar open prices (goes in descending order)), i.e. the array is organized as an array-timeseries.

But the ArrayGetAsSeries function nevertheless returns 0 (false), which means: the user array is NOT organized as an array-timeseries.

Very kindly ask for clarity

Question: how can this be explained?

P.S. Thank you for answering my questions


Tweaked the original script a bit:

1. I copied only the last 5 opening prices into a custom array.

2. Rasprocessed the resulting custom array by all 5 copied opening prices.

Here is what I have got:

As you can see from the figure, the open prices are indexed in reverse order (as evidenced by the NUMBER of bar open prices (goes in ascending order) and TIME of bar open prices (goes in descending order)), i.e. the array is organized as an array-timeseries.

But the ArrayGetAsSeries function nevertheless returns 0 (false), which means: the user array is NOT organized as an array-timeseries.

Please clarify

Question: how to explain it?

P.S. Thank you for answering my questions.

Have you tried to use the

boolArraySetAsSeries(void array[], bool set)
Sets the indexing direction of an array. Aset TRUE sets the indexing direction in reverse order, i.e. the last element has a zero index. A value of FALSE sets the normal indexing direction. The function returns the previous state.
array[]-Numeric array to set.
set-The direction in which the array is indexed.

Have you tried the functions

boolArraySetAsSeries(void array[], bool set)
Sets the indexing direction of the array. Avalue ofset TRUE sets the indexing direction in reverse order, i.e. the last element has a zero index. A value of FALSE sets the normal indexing direction. The function returns the previous state.
array[]-Numeric array to set.
set-The direction in which the array is indexed.

My goal at this stage is to understand how a particular function works, and in this particular case, how the ArrayGetAsSeries function works. I understand that I can use ArraySetAsSeries function with parameter set=true, which forcibly sets indexing, like in array-timeseries. But I want to understand, why in my case function ArrayGetAsSeries returned 0, despite array looks like timeseries (i.e. indexed like timeseries)

i_maTF == Period() ??????

i_maPeriod takes a reasonable value???

Well maybe there is something wrong with i_maShiftByPrice???

It's hard to be more precise.

The information it outputs is not correct. Here's the full code:

#property copyright "hoz"
#property link      ""
#include <stderror.mqh>
#include <stdlib.mqh>

extern string  h1 = "основные параметры машки";
extern int     i_maTF = 0;
extern int     i_maPeriod = 50;
extern int     i_maShiftByPrice = 0;
extern int     i_maMethod = 0;
extern int     i_maPrice = 0;
extern int     i_shiftBarsBack1 = 1;                        // Первое значение shift
extern int     i_shiftBarsBack2 = 49;                       // Второе значение shift
extern string  h2 = "===============================";

string         h3 = "Значения цены и времени в точках А и В гипотенузы";
double         price1,                                      // Цена в точке А
               price2,                                      // Цена в точке В
               time1,                                       // Время в точке А
               time2,                                       // Время в точке В
string         h4 = "Переменые массивов цены и времени в точках А и В гипотенузы";
double         varsPrice1[100],                             // Буфер для цены в точке А
               varsPrice2[100],                             // Буфер для цены в точке В
               varsTime1[100],                              // Буфер для времени в точке А
               varsTime2[100],                              // Буфер для времени в точке В

#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 5
#property indicator_color1 Red
//|               Функция инициализации индикатора                   |
int init()
   SetIndexBuffer(0,varsAngle);                          // Связываем массив значений угла с буфером
// -------------- блок инициализации закончен ----------------------
//|              Функция деинициализации индикатора                  |
int deinit()

// -------------- блок деинициализации закончен ----------------------
//|                  Функция итерации эксперта                       |
int start()
   int i, countedBars = IndicatorCounted();
   int limit = Bars - countedBars;
   if (limit > 100) limit = 100;
   for(i = limit - 1;i > 0;i--)
      price1 = iMA(Symbol(),i_maTF,i_maPeriod,i_maShiftByPrice,i_maMethod,i_maPrice,i_shiftBarsBack1+i);       // Цена в точке А
      price2 = iMA(Symbol(),i_maTF,i_maPeriod,i_maShiftByPrice,i_maMethod,i_maPrice,i_shiftBarsBack2+i);       // Цена в точке В
      time1 = iTime(Symbol(),Period(),i_shiftBarsBack1 + i - 1);                                               // Время в точке А
      time2 = iTime(Symbol(),Period(),i_shiftBarsBack2 + i - 1);                                               // Время в точке В
      Print("i = ", i," i_maTF = ", i_maTF, " i_maPeriod = ", i_maPeriod," i_maShiftByPrice ", i_maShiftByPrice, " i_maMethod = ", i_maMethod," i_maPrice = ", i_maPrice, " i_shiftBarsBack1 = ", i_shiftBarsBack1);
      string error = GetMyLastError2();
  //    Print("vars", DoubleToStr(price1,5));
    //  Print("vars", DoubleToStr(varsPrice1[i],5));
      varsPrice1[i] = price1;                                                                        // Массив цен в точке А
      varsPrice2[i] = price2;                                                                        // Массив цен в точке В
      varsTime1[i] = time1;                                                                          // Массив времени в точке А
      varsTime2[i] = time2;                                                                          // Массив времени в точке В
  //    Print("vars", DoubleToStr(varsPrice1[i],5));

      double d = (MathAbs(varsTime1[i] - varsTime2[i]))*1.0;
      double h = (MathAbs(varsPrice1[i] - varsPrice2[i]));
  //    Print("d = ", d, " h = ", h);
      double angle = h/d;
      varsAngle[i] = angle;
string GetMyLastError2()
    int err = GetLastError();
    string serr = ErrorDescription(err);

/* //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
//|                  Функция рассчёта тангенса угла                  |
double TanA(double d, double h)
   double angle = h/d;
// -------------- блок деинициализации закончен ---------------------- */

The Expert Advisor's log shows this:

14:50:36 2010.08.11 12:30  AngleByTg GBPUSD,M15: i = 25 i_maTF = 50 i_maPeriod = 0 i_maShiftByPrice 0 i_maMethod = 0 i_maPrice = 2 i_shiftBarsBack1 = 7
14:50:36 2010.08.11 12:30  AngleByTg GBPUSD,M15: i = 24 i_maTF = 50 i_maPeriod = 0 i_maShiftByPrice 0 i_maMethod = 0 i_maPrice = 2 i_shiftBarsBack1 = 7
14:50:36 2010.08.11 12:30  AngleByTg GBPUSD,M15: i = 23 i_maTF = 50 i_maPeriod = 0 i_maShiftByPrice 0 i_maMethod = 0 i_maPrice = 2 i_shiftBarsBack1 = 7
14:50:36 2010.08.11 12:30  AngleByTg GBPUSD,M15: i = 22 i_maTF = 50 i_maPeriod = 0 i_maShiftByPrice 0 i_maMethod = 0 i_maPrice = 2 i_shiftBarsBack1 = 7
14:50:36 2010.08.11 12:30  AngleByTg GBPUSD,M15: i = 21 i_maTF = 50 i_maPeriod = 0 i_maShiftByPrice 0 i_maMethod = 0 i_maPrice = 2 i_shiftBarsBack1 = 7
14:50:36 2010.08.11 12:30  AngleByTg GBPUSD,M15: i = 20 i_maTF = 50 i_maPeriod = 0 i_maShiftByPrice 0 i_maMethod = 0 i_maPrice = 2 i_shiftBarsBack1 = 7
14:50:36 2010.08.11 12:30  AngleByTg GBPUSD,M15: i = 19 i_maTF = 50 i_maPeriod = 0 i_maShiftByPrice 0 i_maMethod = 0 i_maPrice = 2 i_shiftBarsBack1 = 7
14:50:36 2010.08.11 12:30  AngleByTg GBPUSD,M15: i = 18 i_maTF = 50 i_maPeriod = 0 i_maShiftByPrice 0 i_maMethod = 0 i_maPrice = 2 i_shiftBarsBack1 = 7
14:50:36 2010.08.11 12:30  AngleByTg GBPUSD,M15: i = 17 i_maTF = 50 i_maPeriod = 0 i_maShiftByPrice 0 i_maMethod = 0 i_maPrice = 2 i_shiftBarsBack1 = 7
14:50:36 2010.08.11 12:30  AngleByTg GBPUSD,M15: i = 16 i_maTF = 50 i_maPeriod = 0 i_maShiftByPrice 0 i_maMethod = 0 i_maPrice = 2 i_shiftBarsBack1 = 7
14:50:36 2010.08.11 12:30  AngleByTg GBPUSD,M15: i = 15 i_maTF = 50 i_maPeriod = 0 i_maShiftByPrice 0 i_maMethod = 0 i_maPrice = 2 i_shiftBarsBack1 = 7
14:50:36 2010.08.11 12:30  AngleByTg GBPUSD,M15: i = 14 i_maTF = 50 i_maPeriod = 0 i_maShiftByPrice 0 i_maMethod = 0 i_maPrice = 2 i_shiftBarsBack1 = 7
14:50:36 2010.08.11 12:30  AngleByTg GBPUSD,M15: i = 13 i_maTF = 50 i_maPeriod = 0 i_maShiftByPrice 0 i_maMethod = 0 i_maPrice = 2 i_shiftBarsBack1 = 7
14:50:36 2010.08.11 12:30  AngleByTg GBPUSD,M15: i = 12 i_maTF = 50 i_maPeriod = 0 i_maShiftByPrice 0 i_maMethod = 0 i_maPrice = 2 i_shiftBarsBack1 = 7
14:50:36 2010.08.11 12:30  AngleByTg GBPUSD,M15: i = 11 i_maTF = 50 i_maPeriod = 0 i_maShiftByPrice 0 i_maMethod = 0 i_maPrice = 2 i_shiftBarsBack1 = 7
14:50:36 2010.08.11 12:30  AngleByTg GBPUSD,M15: i = 10 i_maTF = 50 i_maPeriod = 0 i_maShiftByPrice 0 i_maMethod = 0 i_maPrice = 2 i_shiftBarsBack1 = 7
14:50:36 2010.08.11 12:30  AngleByTg GBPUSD,M15: i = 9 i_maTF = 50 i_maPeriod = 0 i_maShiftByPrice 0 i_maMethod = 0 i_maPrice = 2 i_shiftBarsBack1 = 7
14:50:36 2010.08.11 12:30  AngleByTg GBPUSD,M15: i = 8 i_maTF = 50 i_maPeriod = 0 i_maShiftByPrice 0 i_maMethod = 0 i_maPrice = 2 i_shiftBarsBack1 = 7
14:50:36 2010.08.11 12:30  AngleByTg GBPUSD,M15: i = 7 i_maTF = 50 i_maPeriod = 0 i_maShiftByPrice 0 i_maMethod = 0 i_maPrice = 2 i_shiftBarsBack1 = 7
14:50:36 2010.08.11 12:30  AngleByTg GBPUSD,M15: i = 6 i_maTF = 50 i_maPeriod = 0 i_maShiftByPrice 0 i_maMethod = 0 i_maPrice = 2 i_shiftBarsBack1 = 7
14:50:36 2010.08.11 12:30  AngleByTg GBPUSD,M15: i = 5 i_maTF = 50 i_maPeriod = 0 i_maShiftByPrice 0 i_maMethod = 0 i_maPrice = 2 i_shiftBarsBack1 = 7
14:50:36 2010.08.11 12:30  AngleByTg GBPUSD,M15: i = 4 i_maTF = 50 i_maPeriod = 0 i_maShiftByPrice 0 i_maMethod = 0 i_maPrice = 2 i_shiftBarsBack1 = 7
14:50:36 2010.08.11 12:30  AngleByTg GBPUSD,M15: i = 3 i_maTF = 50 i_maPeriod = 0 i_maShiftByPrice 0 i_maMethod = 0 i_maPrice = 2 i_shiftBarsBack1 = 7
14:50:36 2010.08.11 12:30  AngleByTg GBPUSD,M15: i = 2 i_maTF = 50 i_maPeriod = 0 i_maShiftByPrice 0 i_maMethod = 0 i_maPrice = 2 i_shiftBarsBack1 = 7
14:50:36 2010.08.11 12:30  AngleByTg GBPUSD,M15: i = 1 i_maTF = 50 i_maPeriod = 0 i_maShiftByPrice 0 i_maMethod = 0 i_maPrice = 2 i_shiftBarsBack1 = 7

As you can see, the i_maTF, i_maPeriod and i_maPrice variables are not what I initialized. What's wrong?


Outputs the wrong information. Here's the full code:

The Expert log shows this:

As you can see, the variables i_maTF, i_maPeriod and i_maPrice are not the same as I initialized. What's wrong?

I wonder how you managed to get something in the log if the code you've submitted doesn't compile?

Ah, if you compile it, there won't be any weirdness.

hoz_1.mq4  4 kb

I wonder how you managed to get anything into the log if the code you presented doesn't compile?

Ah, if you compile it, you won't get any weirdness.

I always compile normally.

I've cleaned the code of extra printers and variables so as not to confuse anyone. But I didn't remove them below, so it didn't compile. Here's the full code that compiles:

//|                                                    AngleByTg.mq4 |
//|                                                              hoz |
//|                                                                  |
#property copyright "hoz"
#property link      ""
#include <stderror.mqh>
#include <stdlib.mqh>

extern string  h1 = "основные параметры машки";
extern int     i_maTF = 0;
extern int     i_maPeriod = 50;
extern int     i_maShiftByPrice = 0;
extern int     i_maMethod = 0;
extern int     i_maPrice = 0;
extern int     i_shiftBarsBack1 = 1;                        // Первое значение shift
extern int     i_shiftBarsBack2 = 49;                       // Второе значение shift
extern string  h2 = "===============================";

string         h3 = "Значения цены и времени в точках А и В гипотенузы";
double         price1,                                      // Цена в точке А
               price2,                                      // Цена в точке В
               time1,                                       // Время в точке А
               time2,                                       // Время в точке В
               angle;                                       // Значение возвращаемой тангенсом
string         h4 = "Переменые массивов цены и времени в точках А и В гипотенузы";
double         varsPrice1[100],                             // Буфер для цены в точке А
               varsPrice2[100],                             // Буфер для цены в точке В
               varsTime1[100],                              // Буфер для времени в точке А
               varsTime2[100],                              // Буфер для времени в точке В
               varsAngle[100];                              // Буфер для хранения значение угла

#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 5
#property indicator_color1 Red
//#property indicator_minimum -90
//#property indicator_maximum 90
//|               Функция инициализации индикатора                   |
int init()
   SetIndexBuffer(0,varsAngle);                          // Связываем массив значений угла с буфером
// -------------- блок инициализации закончен ----------------------
//|              Функция деинициализации индикатора                  |
int deinit()

// -------------- блок деинициализации закончен ----------------------
//|                  Функция итерации эксперта                       |
int start()
 //   if (!isNewBar())
 //   return(0);
   int i, countedBars = IndicatorCounted();
   int limit = Bars - countedBars;
   if (limit > 100) limit = 100;
   for(i = limit - 1;i > 0;i--)
      price1 = iMA(Symbol(),i_maTF,i_maPeriod,i_maShiftByPrice,i_maMethod,i_maPrice,i_shiftBarsBack1+i);       // Цена в точке А
      price2 = iMA(Symbol(),i_maTF,i_maPeriod,i_maShiftByPrice,i_maMethod,i_maPrice,i_shiftBarsBack2+i);       // Цена в точке В
      time1 = iTime(Symbol(),Period(),i_shiftBarsBack1 + i - 1);                                               // Время в точке А
      time2 = iTime(Symbol(),Period(),i_shiftBarsBack2 + i - 1);                                               // Время в точке В
      Print("i = ", i," i_maTF = ", i_maTF, " i_maPeriod = ", i_maPeriod," i_maShiftByPrice ", i_maShiftByPrice, " i_maMethod = ", i_maMethod," i_maPrice = ", i_maPrice, " i_shiftBarsBack1 = ", i_shiftBarsBack1);
      string error = GetMyLastError2();
//      Print("i = ", i," time1 = ", time1, " price1 = ", price1);
  //    Print("vars", DoubleToStr(price1,5));
    //  Print("vars", DoubleToStr(varsPrice1[i],5));
      varsPrice1[i] = price1;                                                                        // Массив цен в точке А
      varsPrice2[i] = price2;                                                                        // Массив цен в точке В
      varsTime1[i] = time1;                                                                          // Массив времени в точке А
      varsTime2[i] = time2;                                                                          // Массив времени в точке В
  //    Print("vars", DoubleToStr(varsPrice1[i],5));
      //Print("i = ", i," time1 = ", time1, " price1 = ", price1);
    //  Print("i = ", i," time2 = ", time2, " price2 = ", price2);
  //    Print("i = ", i," varsTime1[i] = ", varsTime1[i], " varsPrice1[i] = ", varsPrice1[i]);
     // Print("i = ", i," varsTime2[i] = ", varsTime2[i], " varsPrice2[i] = ", varsPrice2[i]);
      double d = (MathAbs(varsTime1[i] - varsTime2[i]))*1.0;
      double h = (MathAbs(varsPrice1[i] - varsPrice2[i]));
  //    Print("d = ", d, " h = ", h);
      double angle = h/d;
      varsAngle[i] = angle;
 //     Print("i = ", i," varsAngle[i] = ", varsAngle[i]);
string GetMyLastError2()
    int err = GetLastError();
    string serr = ErrorDescription(err);

/* //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
//|                  Функция рассчёта тангенса угла                  |
double TanA(double d, double h)
   double angle = h/d;
// -------------- блок деинициализации закончен ---------------------- */
anglebytg.mq4  6 kb

Please help! How to make an EA close an old order when opening a new one? In the Strategy Tester it works fine, but on the real account for some reason when I open a new one, the old one leaves???????? I am a total zero in programming(((

//---- input parameters
extern bool In_BUY=true;
extern int SL_buy=62; //---входные параметры по лонгам
extern int Risk_buy=0;
extern bool In_SELL=true;
extern int SL_sell=62; //---входные параметры по шортам
extern int Risk_sell=0;

//---- other parameters
static int prevtime=0;
int ticket=0;
int x=1;
int Magic_BUY =123;
int Magic_SELL =321;

//| expert initialization function |
int init()
if(Digits == 5) x=10;
//| expert deinitialization function |
int deinit()

//| expert start function |
int start()
if (Time[0] == prevtime) return(0);
prevtime = Time[0];
if (!IsTradeAllowed()) {
prevtime=Time[1]; MathSrand(TimeCurrent());Sleep(30000 + MathRand()); //--- формировка бара---

Trade( Magic_BUY, In_BUY,Ask,0,2, SL_buy, Risk_buy); //---торговля по лонгам

Trade(Magic_SELL,In_SELL,Bid,2,0, SL_sell,Risk_sell); //---торговля по шортам

return(0);//-----------выход из стартовой функции------------
void Trade(int mn,bool flag,double price,int period_1,int period_2,int sl,int Risk) {

int total=OrdersTotal();

for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) { OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);//---проход по ордерам--

if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == mn) {

if(Open[period_2]>Open[period_1]) { //----условие закрытия ордера---------

OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),price,5*x); RefreshRates();



ticket = -1;

if ( flag &&

Open[period_1]>Open[period_2] && //----вход в рынок по условию---

OrdersTotal()<2 && //-----ограничения чемпионата------

AccountEquity()>200 &&

IsTradeAllowed()) {

if (mn<200) {

ticket= OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY,lot(Risk_buy),Ask,5,Bid-x*sl*Point,0,DoubleToStr(mn,0),mn,0,Blue);


else {

ticket= OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELL,lot(Risk_sell),Bid,5,Ask+x*sl*Point,0,DoubleToStr(mn,0),mn,0, Red);



if ( ticket < 0) { Sleep(30000); prevtime = Time[1]; }

} //-- Exit ---

return(0); }

double lot(int R) { if (R<0)R=0; if (R>80)R=80; //------корректность ввода -------
double minlot = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT);
int o = MathAbs(MathLog(minlot) *0.4343) + 0.5;
double lot = minlot;
lot = NormalizeDouble(AccountFreeMargin() * 0.00001*R, o);//---
if (AccountFreeMargin() < lot * MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MARGINREQUIRED)) {
lot = NormalizeDouble(AccountFreeMargin() / MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MARGINREQUIRED), o);
if(lot < minlot) lot = minlot;
double maxlot =MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MAXLOT);
if(lot > maxlot) lot = maxlot;
return(lot); }

Or maybe write another EA which would work on the principle of 1 has opened, 2 has opened-1 has closed, 3Opened-2 has closed, etc.. Help really, really need it!!!

Please help! How to make an EA close an old order when opening a new one? In the Strategy Tester it works fine, but on the real account for some reason when I open a new one, the old one leaves???????? I have no idea whatsoever about programming((!

//---- input parameters
extern bool In_BUY=true;
extern int SL_buy=62; //---входные параметры по лонгам
extern int Risk_buy=0;


if(Open[period_2]>Open[period_1]) { //----условие закрытия ордера---------

 OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),price,5*x); RefreshRates(); 



if(Open[period_2]>Open[period_1]) { //----условие закрытия ордера---------

 OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),OrderClosePrice(),5*x); RefreshRates(); 
