[ARCHIVE!] Any rookie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't pass by. Can't go anywhere without you - 4. - page 402

Can you please tell me if the indicators H-L, H-O, H-C, O-C, O-L are available, preferably with lines of their mean values? Google sent me a link which I don't quite understand: http://www.metatrader4.com/ru/forum/8261/. I think they would be useful for assigning optimum TA and SL.
So, what's the problem? Replace Close in any indicator with a difference (High-Low) or any other of these. However, in some cases, you may have to draw the indicator in a separate window.
So, what's the problem? Replace Close in any indicator with a difference (High-Low) or any of the others listed. However, in some cases you may have to draw the indicator in a separate window.
In which indicator, exactly, is it better to change? Aren't they still available in a separate form?

Wrote the following script:

//|                                                                         DeleteObject.mq4 |
//|                             script program start function                                |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 -
#include <Копия WinUser32.mqh>                                    //подключаемый файл, к-й неожходим для работы функции MessageBox: в этом файле в отличии от файла <WinUser32.mqh> в разделе MessageBox() Flags добавлена строка: #define MB_CANCELTRYCONTINUE      0x00000006  
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 -
int start()
   double Timestart=GetTickCount();                               //переменная, с помощью которой вычисляется время (в милисекундах) начала выполнения эксперта 
   if(ObjectsTotal()==0)                                          //если объектов на графике нет
      {                                                           //начало if
       Alert("На графике нет графических объектов");              //то делаем сообщение на экран...
       return;                                                    //...и выходим
      }                                                           //конец if   
   Alert("На графике зафиксировано ",ObjectsTotal()," Объектов");
   int ret=MessageBox("Удалить ВСЕ графические объекты?","Удаление графических объектов",MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION);//функция MessageBox: вопрос на экран
   if(ret==6)                                                     //если ответ ДА,...
       ObjectsDeleteAll();                                        //..., то удаляем ВСЕ объекты из ВСЕХ окон текущего графика
       if(!ObjectsDeleteAll())Alert("При удалениии объектов возникла ошибка ",GetLastError());//если удаление не удалось, то сообщение на экран
       Alert("ВСЕ графические объекты успешно удалены");          //сообщение на экран в случае успешного удаления сех объектов
       return;                                                    //и выход из start
      }                                                           //конец if   
//--------------------если ответ НЕТ? то перебираем объекты по списку---------------------- 3 -
   int obj_total=ObjectsTotal();                                  //получаем общее количество графических объектов
   string obj_name;                                               //объявляем переменную  "имя объекта"
   for(int i=obj_total-1;i>=0;i--)                                //цикл по удалению объекта
     {                                                            //начало for
      obj_name=ObjectName(i);                                     //имя текущего удаляемого объекта
      Alert("Удаляется объект: ",obj_name);                       //сообщение на экран     
      ret=MessageBox("Удалить графический объект?","Удаление графического объекта",MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION);//функция MessageBox: вопрос на экран
      if(ret==7)continue;                                         //если ответ НЕТ, то на следующую итерацию     
      ObjectDelete(obj_name);                                     //если ответ ДА, то удаляем текущий объект с именем obj_name     
      int error=GetLastError();                                   //вычисляем код возможной ошибки, к-я могла появиться при неудачном удалении Графического объекта номер i
      if(error!=0)Alert("При удалении объекта ",obj_name," возникла ошибка ",error);continue;//если функция ObjectDelete(obj_name) вернуа значение ЛОЖЬ (т.е. не удалила текущий объект), то сообщение об ошибке при удалении
      Alert("Объект ",obj_name," успешно удален");                //сообщение об успешном удалении
     }                                                            //конец for
   Comment("\nСкрипт выполнялся всего ",GetTickCount()-Timestart," миллисекунд, из них: ",MathFloor((GetTickCount()-Timestart)/1000)," секунд ",((GetTickCount()-Timestart)/1000-MathFloor((GetTickCount()-Timestart)/1000))*1000," миллисекунд");//печать сообщения вна экран
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 -
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 -

In 2 words. The script is designed to delete graphical objects from the client terminal window. The script can be used in one of 2 ways: either all objects are deleted or the script goes through a series of objects and deletes only the ones selected by the user.

Question: why in the while loop after the next object is deleted the last Alert("Object ",obj_name," successfully deleted") function doesn't show the corresponding message on the screen and doesn't show up in any way (though the object is deleted in the while loop)

Note: the line with the include file #include < WinUser32.mqh> in the header of the script, which differs from the original include file #include <WinUser32.mqh>, supplied with the client terminal, so it is also given below

P.S. In order not to litter the forum, thank you in advance for your reply

Which indicator, exactly, is the best one to replace? Aren't they still available in a separate form?

The MA, for example, has it, but there are few options and the ones you mentioned are not there:

Therefore, you can take almost any indicator and make its versatility yourself.


Question: why in the while loop, after the next object is deleted, the last function Alert("Object ",obj_name," successfully deleted") does not display a corresponding message on the screen and does not show itself in any way (although the corresponding object is deleted in the while loop)

int error=GetLastError();                                   //вычисляем код возможной ошибки, к-я могла появиться при неудачном удалении Графического объекта номер i
      if(error!=0)Alert("При удалении объекта ",obj_name," возникла ошибка ",error);continue;//если функция ObjectDelete(obj_name) вернуа значение ЛОЖЬ (т.е. не удалила текущий объект), то сообщение об ошибке при удалении
      Alert("Объект ",obj_name," успешно удален");                //сообщение об успешном удалении

This is because if(error != 0) will only affect an Alert, after which it will always continue and the next Alert will never be invoked
Hello! Please tell me how to make a loop counter (e.g. FOR) to search for orders within the current day!

What can I say I do not understand anything yet, I understand only one thing that it is all about making money, why do advisors if they are losing, you can go to the platform once a week and earn 1000 in a deposit of 3000

Hello! Could you please tell me how to make the counter of the loop (for example, FOR) search for orders within the current day!

kamolot: What are EAs for if they are losing money, you can log on to the platform once a week and earn 1000 on a 3000 deposit.
They just do not have the guts to stop by the platform even once a week and earn a grand. They are all too tired just to make money.
It's just that these labyrinthine programmers don't have the heart to come in even once a week and earn their schtick. They're all too tired to make any money.

+100500 8-)