[ARCHIVE!] Any rookie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't pass by. Can't go anywhere without you - 4. - page 397


Good afternoon. Question about OBJPROP_TIMEFRAMES property identifier of graphical objects... I wrote this script to create a Horizontal Line graphical object (see below).

Question: Why, although the ObjectSet(object_name,OBJPROP_TIMEFRAMES,PERIOD_H1) function explicitly states that the object should display ONLY on timeframe H1, the created object also displays on timeframes (at least) H4, M30, M15.


Another constant is OBJ_PERIOD_H1

Yes, thank you it helped... But I'd like to understand why ObjectSet(object_name,OBJPROP_TIMEFRAMES,PERIOD_H1) option doesn't work (as it should)? Is it glitches in the language itself?

i.e. while the current bar[0] is being built the previous one is being defined

As an option:

datetime last_time;   // глобальная переменная


int start()
   if (last_time != Time[0])
      // Ура, новый бар!
      last_time = Time[0];      // запоминаем новый бар
      //... ваши расчеты с плюсованием
... дальше работаем

Yes, thanks helped... But I want to understand why ObjectSet(object_name,OBJPROP_TIMEFRAMES,PERIOD_H1) doesn't work (like it should)? Is it glitches in the language itself?

De facto both PERIOD_H1 and OBJ_PERIOD_H1 are just an alpha substitution of some numeric value.

OBJ_PERIOD_H1 = 0x0010 (for current build) = 0001 0000 (binary)

PERIOD_H1 = 60 (for this build) = 0011 1100 (binary)

As it is easy to replace, you accidentally put 4 timeframes instead of one - H4, H1, M30 and M15

And instead of calling ObjectSet(object_name,OBJPROP_TIMEFRAMES,0x0010) (which you wanted to do) you have called


datetime last_time;   // глобальная переменная


int start()
   if (last_time != Time[0])
      // Ура, новый бар!
      last_time = Time[0];      // запоминаем новый бар

what is Time[0] and how does it affect 1 time plus ?! just a little confused...


what is Time[0] and how does it affect 1 time plus ?! just a little confused...

Time[0] is the opening time of the most recent (current) bar. As soon as a new bar comes, it changes.

Type Time in MetaEditor and press F1 for details


Time[0] is the opening time of the most recent (current) bar. As soon as a new bar comes, it changes.

Type Time in MetaEditor and press F1 for details

Will read it now! thank you very much!
I'll read it now! Thank you very much!

Then don't forget to look at iTime()
   datetime last_time;   // глобальная переменная
  int xBost_b;
  int xBost_s;
double hi=High[1];
double op=Open[1];
double cl=Close[1];
double lo=Low[1];
int Sum_xb;
int Sum_xs;
 if (last_time != Time[0])
      // Ура, новый бар!
      last_time = Time[0];      // запоминаем новый бар
Sum_xb=Sum_xb+xBost_b;<---------не плюсует,выдает такое же число как и xBost

Comment("\n kolvo_b=",xBost_b,"\n Sum_xb=",Sum_xb,"\n kolvo_s=",xBost_s,"\n Sum_xs=",Sum_xs);

how do you make it give you a plus every time?
how do I make it add up every time???
Theglobal variables should be outside all functions. Send the sums there too. or declare these variables as static
how do I make it add every time???
Take last_time out of start() and declare it static