FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 13: March 2012) - page 69

...the euro will definitely test the minimum by the day...

At 1.3094 fibo 76.4 (from Jan 13) may bounce, yesterday there was a bounce from 61.8 to 50.

I think we will definitely see 1.3080 today and 1.3094 without even noticing
...the eu will definitely test the minimum by the day....

now give me the numbers so i don't have to say it
Anyone interested in buying is willing to sell pickles...))

3115 procurement works ))


Eurozone: ECB report

-Bank balance sheet rose to a record E3trn

-Bank lending rose by E311bn in the week to 2 March.

-Exchange reserves decreased by E26.2bn to E250.9bn.

I am not good at fundamentals please decipher

Filled 5 more insta-lots at 1.3130 (caught the top). The total lot is 20 lots in the sell on the deposit of $600 )))) Let's see )
Filled 5 more insta-lots at 1.3130 (caught the top). The total lot is 20 lots in the sell on the deposit of $600 )))) Let's see )
I think no one trades this aggressive here except you

now give me the numbers so i don't have to say it
tomorrow definitely on the 4 o'clock test 3055 ...and the rest will be somehow... but after 3097...
Filled 5 more insta-lots at 1.3130 (caught the top). The total lot is 20 lots in the sell on the deposit of $600 )))) Let's see )

I'm gonna go 1.3136 )))) I'm maxed out there