Engineer Garin's Paraboloid - page 3

Looking forward to the lecture by Dr Vyalobuyev-Funkensheitn: Darwinism versus the market.

Take a parabolic vulgaris. Slow it down a bit (0.01/0.2). Let's put it on half an hour.

When the parabolic changes its direction (jumped over the price), we open a couple of orders - Buy and Sell. The lots are the same.

At the next jump of the parabolic, we close the order that is in the plus position. We wait for the next jump and close the remaining order.

The highlighted - complete nonsense: it does not matter where to open lots: zero is zero everywhere ...... If you do not really understand what they say and "bum" to look for topics on the forum, but there's still a little to calculate - take it, navigator, withdraw funds from the account and order your toy on the service works.

All entry points are divided into 6 groups:

- places where you cannot open a Sell position;
- places where you cannot open a Buy position;

- places where you can open a Sell position;
- places where you can open a Buy position;

- places where you cannot open a Buy/Sell double position;
- places where you can open a Buy/Sell double position;

Don't lie, they are not shared. No one forbids opening positions in any direction in any place.


No one forbids opening positions in any direction in any place.

This corresponds to points 3 and 4 at the same time.
This corresponds to paragraphs 3 and 4 at the same time.
These are paragraphs 1 and 2. 1 и 2. To prove that you did not lie about points 1 and 2. 1 and 2. clearly state the impossibility of opening positions in the directions you mentioned above with equally clear conditions for the signs of those very locations.
The highlighted - complete rubbish: loci do not care where to open: zero is zero everywhere ..... If you do not really understand what they say and "bum" to look for topics on the forum, but there's still a little to calculate - take it, navigator, withdraw funds from the account and order your toy on the service works.
In the parabolic, the lock should be opened because of the peculiarities of the Parabolic indicator. And it's at the breakdown point of its price, not anywhere else.
In a parabolic, the lock should be opened due to the particularities of the Parabolic indicator. And it is at the breakdown point of its price, not anywhere.

Don't go completely crazy)

Having two opposite orders of equal volume is equivalent to having no open positions except for the loss of spreads, swaps. ...

We opened two Buy and Sell orders. The price went somewhere, on one of them (+ 100 - spread - swap - commission), on the other (- 100 - spread - swap - commission), which in total gives (-2*(spread+swap+commission)).

All the work of the system will start when you close one order. So just open one order at that moment and that's it.


- places where you cannot open a double Buy/Sell position;
- places where you can open a doubleBuy/Sell position;

Working with Buy/Sell positions has its own characteristics and requires appropriate knowledge and skills in this area.

Geez, they don't teach arithmetic in schools anymore ?????? How awful...

2 Mendikero Stop theorising: the terminal is in front of you - go ahead. You just need 30 quid to pay for the service, go ahead.


This is not entirely true. A buy/sell position involves closing the numerator and denominator at different times and prices. The peculiarity of a buy/sell position is that it works out no matter where the price moves. But such positions have to be managed correctly, otherwise the result will be a mess, which is usually the case.

I thought you said you graduated from a math school - do not disgrace your maths teacher, and the school as well, or you might think that diplomas are also bought there ....... What a scary way to live ....

This is not entirely true. Working with buy/sell positions involves closing the "numerator" and "denominator" at different times and prices.

But for all the time we have two positions of equal volume, we can't make any profit, we can only lose overhead, right?) We can earn only at the expense of "closing at different times at different prices". Closing a buy position from a lock is tantamount to opening a single sell position at that moment (and vice versa). At that point, start selecting the "close price and time" of that single order. Why go through the trouble of paying extra for it? To indulge in a bloated balance with a hole in equity?


The peculiarity of a buy/sell position is that it "works out" regardless of where the price is going.

You look at equity, which is the measure of our returns, and you will immediately see what and how it works out and at what point.