[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts & Consequences (Episode 12: February 2012) - page 415


Hey... I assume everyone's said goodbye to the body? Cause I'm looking at the glass and I don't see any buyers yet.


Hey... I assume everyone's said goodbye to the body? Cause I'm looking at the glass and I don't see any buyers yet.

There will be

Romanov is the most sane of them all, but he's the sane one)))

The rascal keeps pushing down and pushing down.
A real test of the strength of the yips ))))
Or for not having a strong head :)

Given that this is the fifth wave on the M30, a move up to 2940 is more likely...

A real test of the strength of the yips ))))

mine were a little brittle! ))) didn't leak!
There's a reason I salted in 3 depots and tp 1.2945

mine was a little brittle! )) didn't leak!

(Hv)orex masochist!