[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts & Consequences (Episode 12: February 2012) - page 695


I'm sick and tired of your bombs, there is no reason for it, Iran is not bombing Paris yet )))))


I'm sick and tired of your bombs, she's not bombed, Iran hasn't bombed Paris yet )))))
Well done!, it's beautiful, you've never written prose, you've got talent, and you're good with literacy.

Hi all. Forecast for today 24.02. rise to 1.3490 possibly through a pullback to 3325.


If this continues, tomorrow the analysts will say: "On Friday traders finally refused to understand what was going on with EUR/USD exchange rate and avoided this currency pair. The volatility was 26 pips" :) This is just for fun.

But seriously

1 - The fundamentals are predicting an increase in the USD

2- After yesterday's rise and before the weekend, the bulls will be closing long positions with profits, i.e. sell the Euro/Bucks accordingly. Bears were taken down before yesterday's close (stops 1.3350-60)

+/- the market is rather thin today and with a 50-60pp price change we may pick up the stops of both bulls and bears. In short, we sit and smoke on the powder keg (who is in the market)

Well done!, it's beautiful, I haven't tried to write prose, I have a talent, and I'm all right with literacy

Yeah, I write everything, stories, poems and novels about love)))

Well, here you go, northbound on the hour, I bought some.


If this continues, tomorrow the analysts will say: "On Friday traders finally refused to understand what was going on with EUR/USD exchange rate and avoided this currency pair. The volatility was 26 pips" :) This is just for fun.

But seriously

1 - The fundamentals are predicting an increase in the USD

2- After yesterday's rise and before the weekend, the bulls will be closing long positions with profits, i.e. sell the Euro/Bucks accordingly. Bears were taken down before yesterday's close (stops 1.3350-60)

+/- the market is rather thin today and with a 50-60pp price change we may pick up the stops of both bulls and bears. In short, we are sitting and smoking on a powder keg (who is in the market)

(RAB)) So the EUR is pushed higher to sell at a higher price))))) and to drive the bulls away))).

how come there will be money in the market)))) look, the whole insta is on sale..... they'll catch elks, turn around and get it))))


yeah, i write everything, stories, poems and novels about love )))

there you go, turn north on the hour, bought some

so it's time to sell)

they are pushing the euro higher in order to sell it at a higher price))))) and fool the bulls.)

where would the money come from in the market?)))) look at the insta's sales.... they'll catch elks, turn around, and yeah))))

they'll turn around again and go north )))) just for them to go back and forth by 500 pips

it means it's time to sell.)

They don't buy in Kazakhstan, even erotica is forbidden on TV, and my place is very naturalistic )))))

Hi all. Forecast for today 24.02. rise to 1.3490 possibly through a pullback to 3325.

Probably without a pullback after all!