[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts & Consequences (Episode 12: February 2012) - page 651

Thank you! Are you staying with us for long, or just to congratulate us?
Thank you! Will you be here long, or just to congratulate us?

If you don't turn me away, I'll hang out with you!

You're not mean, are you? Will you help a fragile girl with your wise counsel?

A person with a healthy psyche will miss any insults, you won't get a clean one dirty. There have to be people here with an iron nervous system:) otherwise you won't make any money.

There's nothing to do here without a sense of humour and a serious face at all.

The circus has gone, the clowns have stayed.

Pound-frank bought, euro sold... 50 stops, 100 pips, 150 pips.

Up to the red trend line.

pound-frank bought and sold the eur... Stops 50, pips - 100, 150 pips

I am also in the euro, waiting for 1.3250, and then we will see

Although they need to start below 1.3290.


We'll see about that!

Gunn has at least 3145, max 3355 Although, I'm a blonde... I could be wrong :)





a beautiful entrance. What are you guided by when choosing a target?