[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts & Consequences (Episode 12: February 2012) - page 636


What happened again?

Stop in b/o was taken off at 1.3241 (1.3232+1.3250)

pound look at that...went into a pullback...and the euro pulled...

the pound, look... went into a pullback... and the euro pulled... through the crossover...

So what? The pound was down 140p a day before that.

It's like in Russia - oil goes up, petrol goes up.

oil gets cheaper, petrol stands still

Nervous in Europe.
That's cool. Just yesterday and the day before, the Americans were selling the Euro from 1.3267. Apparently now they decided to start selling from there again

So what? The pound was down 140p a day before that.

It's like in Russia - oil goes up, petrol goes up.

Oil goes down, gasoline stays up.

it happens from time to time... figure out why it happened... it will come in handy later...

at first if the uni-directional currencies go differently to the quid it's best to refrain from trading... then you'll use it for pips...

That's cool. Just yesterday and the day before, the Americans were selling the Euro from 1.3267. Apparently now they decided to sell from there again.

According to my observations, there were no sales yet. But why they did not sell, it is unclear why they go down.
Most likely the foundation is collapsing and it needs a lot of quid to sustain it.

A bedtime story...(towards 1.3150 )


All in all, today wasn't bad either! Plus 97%!

See you all tomorrow!


All in all, today wasn't bad either! Plus 97%!

See you all tomorrow!

+97% and I was crying crocodile tears again, feeling like a loser. All those Wall Street brokers are kids... Don't go anywhere, they're on their way to you.