[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts & Consequences (Episode 12: February 2012) - page 599

By the way ...Hi all!!!

Concentration. No one really knows where we're going now ... ...where the heavier orders will be, that's where they'll slide...

i got a call saying down


i got a call saying down

don't overestimate yourself )))) no one knows... We're going to have a retest and wherever the bottom is weakest, that's where it's going to break out.

I got a phone call saying that down

Unless they called....


don't overestimate yourself )))) no one knows... We're going into a trading session and where the bottom is weaker, it will break through.

can't you see where the bottom is weaker?
Don't rush ... you'll stumble on the wagons, stochastics and bolingers ...... ))

I've posted screenshots today, I won't repeat them. I'm tired of fighting with you all. Good luck to all

and you can't see where it's weaker already?

I can't see... I'm from a normal level in sales, ..... not bound by the feeling of loss - profit ... anything can happen... start the fund and it will become clear

can't see... I'm from a normal level in sales, .... not bound by a sense of loss - profit ... anything can happen... start the fund and it will become clear

i am also in sales from the top

I can't get rest from the volumes on the delta cluster, they have been quietly spreading something there since lunch, the general mood seems to be positive, the default is not relevant anymore,

Anyway, I'll be waiting for an ambush with a bounce:)