[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts & Consequences (Episode 12: February 2012) - page 569


Eurogroup head Jean-Claude Juncker has revealed some details of the deal between Greece and its creditors.

  • The new aid programme gives Greece time to implement reforms and return the economy to sustainable growth;
  • Greece must reduce its debt-to-GDP ratio to 120.5% by 2020, under these conditions a €130bn loan is being extended to 2014;
  • In the coming days Greece will announce a new programme for private creditors with a 53% loss on Greek bonds;
  • The spread on bilateral loans for the duration of the loan will be reduced to 150 basis points;
  • The national banks would be obliged to hand over to the state all profits earned on investments in Greek government bonds;
  • The European Commission will return the task force to Athens;
  • Over the next two months, Greece will implement the concept of absolute priority for debt repayment.

that was yesterday !!!! at least bother to copy the latest news !!!

More IMHO!

For 21.02.

Good morning all. I'm here.)
Good morning all. I'm here.)

Come on, buddy... Shorty, it's boring in here.

Come on, buddy... go short, it's boring here.

Mobilich, tell them how you tripled the deposit.

I see you're in the company, you're also in sales)))

2012.02.21 09:28:14 '5090553': order was opened : #826617141 sell 2.00 EURUSD at 1.32790 sl: 0.00000 tp: 0.00000

2012.02.21 09:31:28 '5090553': order #826617141 sell 2.00 EURUSD at 1.32790 was modified -> sl: 1.33000 tp: 1.31430

I see you're in the company, you're also in sales)))

This is Reshetov's advisor on the demo)))
Here comes Mobile with Strange in shorts))))

This is Reshetov's adviser on the demo)))
you're a provocateur, aren't you?))))