[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts & Consequences (Episode 12: February 2012) - page 563

my hunch is that we still have 1.28 to go... at least the signal has not yet been cancelled)))
Hi! the same 20% boo in the stops actually overloaded.

Hi, what do you see for today? Further growth or a pullback?

I don't think there will be a flat...


Can't I get 1.27? I bought it yesterday at 1.31871, I need to go deeper)))


Can't I get 1.27? I bought it yesterday at 1.31871, I need to go deeper )))

Maybe it is sold? I have a sale right there, now I am nervously waiting for the collapse)

Hi, what do you see for today? Further growth or a pullback?

I don't think it's going to flat...

slight growth at 1.3320. the wedge trends are in doubt, it will probably roll back.
Maybe it's sold out? I have a sale right there, now nervously waiting for a collapse)

and I've stopped freaking out, I don't care anymore ))))))))
What I see are bear skins lying around everywhere
What I see are bear skins lying around everywhere
i told you you were evil))))
i told you you were evil))))

So yesterday you were told where you were going, so you told me how stubborn you are and that there are many of you)))

Yesterday you were told where you are going, so you told me how stubborn you are and that there are many of you)))
There's not much left to fix...