[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts & Consequences (Episode 12: February 2012) - page 330


gastarbater.... eh

Don't say that word ...they should be revered and respected for taking a piss from morning till night and doing all the dirty work . Not everyone is given to hold a Parker in their hands .
Well I have so far sold from 1.3212, next entry (larger) at 1.3220
Don't say that word ... they should be revered and respected for shitting from morning till night and doing all the dirty work. Not everyone is given to hold a Parker in their hands .

...and they fuck our chicks and the chicks give birth... A few more years and the authorities will want...
Well I have so far sold from 1.3212, next entry (larger) at 1.3220

I'm from 3208, about to get killed)))))))

I do not work with options, but there is a popular belief that puts are for professionals, the Greeks in the option can drive those deltas and scales into minuses
Selling options is a risky business, but the premium is in your pocket :))
the evil spirits from the neighbouring site are .mt5.som
Don't use foul language!
Don't say that word ... they should be revered and respected for doing all the dirty work from morning till night. Not everyone has a Parker in their hand.

I don't mean that word negatively (I've done a lot of work myself ... a lot) Well, if a moderator comes and asks you to erase it, then yes, I'll erase it and confess publicly. ))))

I'm from 3208, I'm about to get killed)))))))

Kill for what? I just want to refill and I can't yet... Not enough for me )))

I'm from 3208, they're about to kill)))))))
yeah everything is already in the "lock" it won't go below 3190.

Two opposite signals on tick volumes )))