[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts & Consequences (Episode 12: February 2012) - page 321

Right, so duck))))))
Where do they write the link?

In the terminal news
A basic account with lots of 5% is probably just a fantasy, a dream (I'm going to go ahead and start a basic account).

You're a funny guy, Tantric.) I have about 10 accounts with different depots at different brokers. I thought that's the way it works for everybody. I don't think they all have the same egg in one basket. I traded on PAMM accounts that I am not risky in general, I cannot risk other people's money. So keep your jokes to yourself.

I honestly, without a shadow of irony, do not understand why such experiments .... I'm trying to understand and I can't ... you have a deposit, you can make a 10% deposit, and thank god, trading is over ... I don't know... like i don't have enough adrenaline... maybe?

I do not understand why I have to explain something to someone))))

Greece's European Exit Less Destructive Now Than In 2011 - Polish Finance Minister

WARSAW - A Greek exit from the European zone, while undesirable, would be far less destructive for the European Union now than it was a few months ago because of the European Central Bank's liquidity measures, Polish Finance Minister Jan Vincent-Rostowski said. "Since the EU summit in December, the situation in the European economy has stabilised, mainly due to the ECB taking very effective action in providing liquidity," he said Tuesday in an interview with FM TOK radio. Greece's exit from the European zone "would have been much more serious, even two or three months ago, than today, because the situation in Europe and the world has stabilised. Today, the effects would be very bad for Greece though as the funds will leave the country's banking system. This is happening slowly, but it would have accelerated and would have led to a big recession there," he noted. Rostovsky added that Greece's abandonment of the euro would also be legally hindered. "It is not clear how it would be possible for Greece to leave the European zone under its legal system. But it would be bad enough for any responsible person to suggest that this exit was possible, desirable or expected," the minister said.

The translation is sloppy maybe


You're a funny guy, Tantric.) I have about 10 accounts with different depots at different brokers. Thought it was the same for everyone. You can't keep all your eggs in one basket. I traded on PAMM accounts that I am not risky in general, I cannot risk other people's money. So, keep your jokes to yourself.
PAMM is a public account so put the link in your profile (if not then you know yourself.... you're lying...)

I don't see why I need to explain anything to anyone.)
How do you want to brag about screenshots and lots?

I don't really care... I don't understand why we have to do it like that... gaming machines, roulette... what else is there?... it's up to the boss... of course

Bought at 1.3140. Article, no upward momentum being seen?
How do you want to brag about screenshots and lots?

I can with screenshots, but I won't tell them about the entries and exits anymore.