Spectrum derivative (or spectrum acceleration) - page 13


Honestly tried to understand, but I don't. Why be offended? Here, even Alexey is confused. I don't have an old nickname, I have nicknames on other forums, I have Skype, I have a mobile phone. I will gradually figure it out, but I don't understand it yet.

Does Valera mean me. Like, he has already changed his 3 nicknames in a short time, so others do the same.

Valera, I am not Dmitry(Svinotavr). I have the same nickname on all the forums, I also have a mobile and Skype you know. You can call me for clarification.

When we take 1 derivative of the price velocity (bandpass filter line in our case) we get price acceleration in the filtered range.


Yes, it gives the impression of being ahead, but it's a deception.

In fact, leading indicators should be drawn higher in an upward price movement and lower in a downward price movement. Also the leading indicator's price and indicator crossover should be earlier than the reversal - the price extremum. But there is no anticipation on your charts, i.e. there is no cheating and there is no anticipation as well - the indicator lines are obviously lagging.

I didn't say about the lead, I just built what the comrade above said about the derivative of velocity.

I see, so I was imagining things. And when it seems, you have to be baptized:


I understand the bullshit, and I know about the shift of a sine wave by a quarter of a period, but it's just an illusion of getting a lead.

Here. Top of the makdi, middle of the price and its mash, bottom of the result of the derivative of the price speed according to your words.

Yes, it gives the impression of being ahead, but it's a deception. I've done things differently.


In case you haven't noticed, it was addressed to someone else, and in his posts he was talking about pre-emptive action, I explained it for him. but think what you want.
Well, I told you, I imagined it.

Responding to Valera's deleted posts.

1. You'll still have to spend the rest of your life proving that you're not you :-)). It is obvious to me that a person who has a similar nickname, who writes and states his thoughts as Valera, posts and opens the same topics as Valera, who publishes the same drawings as Valera, who has chips like Valera, taken from the thoughts expressed on this forum in others' similar topics, fawning like Valera, angry at me like Valera, etc., etc. .... that's Valera.

Regarding the turbidity of thought. Many people on the forum have noticed that. Already after changing the nickname. Everything is like Valera's.

2. To make sure that the phase of the 1st derivative of the sine is ahead of the first-order derivative, just look at what the derivative of the sine equals. They teach that in school.

You need a clear head with clear thoughts to use it.


Responding to Valera's deleted posts.

1. You'll still have to spend the rest of your life proving that you're not you :-)). It is obvious to me that a person who has a similar nickname, who writes and expresses his thoughts as Valera, who posts and opens the same topics as Valera, who publishes the same drawings as Valera, who has chips as Valera, taken from the thoughts expressed on this forum in others' similar topics, ingratiating as Valera, angry at me as Valera, etc., etc. .... that's Valera.

Regarding the turbidity of thought. Many people on the forum have noticed that. Already after changing the nickname. Everything is like Valera's.

2. To make sure that the phase of the 1st derivative of the sine is ahead of the first-order derivative, just look at what the derivative of the sine equals. They teach that in school.

You need a clear head with clear thoughts to use it.

How can I relate to you if you have really pissed me off with your Valera, this is a normal human reaction to bullshit.
Excuse me, are you a valerophobe? ))))))))))) OK, think that I am your valera, calm down, get busy, go to the rink, cuddle your wife on holiday (if you are married))))), but you walk on branches and shoot your valera)). you go and water like leo, God be with you, how do you zgnat .

If you're not interested in the subject, just ignore it.


there are problems like this


there are problems like this

Yes, Valera, the world's problems are nothing compared to these.
Yes, Valera, the world's problems are nothing compared to these.

Tell me about it, Gulchatai.