Which prevents the advisor from making money. - page 7


Here https://www.mql5.com/ru/forum/137651/page3 I posted my closing function

Replace GetInfo() with print, Fun_Error() = ErrorDescription()

And in your opinion, are the functions for closing and opening KimIV orders reliable enough to work on a real account?

I have already written how many times, after selecting an order, check the closing time, if !=0 then the order is already closed.

"And these people teach me to pick my nose..."

You're insulting, Warden.

I have already written how many times, after selecting an order, check the closing time, if !=0 then the order is already closed.

"And these people teach me to pick my nose..."

That's it. I got it. I'll make the edits to my owls. Thank you.

Yes, by the way, I'm remembering now...

If you've got one available, please copy it... with a time control, something like - if it's not equal to/equal to zero... because only closed orders have a closing time...






I'm grateful. I have already put the link to this fic in my library.
It's all about closure. FAQ, could you post the opening function as well?
So functions like OrderClosePrice() return a non-normalised value?
Regarding composite ifs: as you know, there is no reduced word check in MOCL, so all conditions in a composite will be calculated, and if you set the filters correctly, half of the conditions will not even need to be checked.
It's all about closure. FAQ, could you post the opening function as well?

There is no sense, it has too many links to other functions of the trading library, then the entire library should be described, where and how to apply. When I finish my class of visual mouse trading and window interface for the terminal, I will start my own topic and write several articles, because there I will get a full-fledged API...

So far, only pictures :)

And all this is served by ten lines of code:

        ObjSet(arrNm,wName,OBJ_LABUP ,4,25);
   pName = pName+"1";

And it all behaves like full-fledged windows, move, overlay, all the buttons work, but there's still quite a lot to do.