Advisor for an article. Testing for all comers. - page 2


You're reacting painfully. You can keep your barks. You make it up, you test it. :)

Without snot-noses, we'll figure out what to do and what not to do.

As soon as you post something, all sorts of flooders, haters and other well-wishers with 500 useless pieces of advice will come running in from all sides.

If you react to each of them painfully, no resuscitation will help. So it doesn't matter.


Without snot-noses, we'll figure out what to do and what not to do.

As soon as you post something, all sorts of flooders, haters and other well-wishers with 500 useless pieces of advice will come running in from all sides.

If you react to each of them painfully, no resuscitation will help. So it doesn't matter.

You must be reading "diagonally". I did not give you advice, but simply asked a question, as I am interested in your opinion in principle. I did not impose my opinion, but modestly expressed mine. If you had not reacted so painfully, you would have answered differently, without lowering yourself to insults, lumping everyone into one pile. And you seem to care about everything, since you respond in such a way.

You must be reading "diagonally". I didn't give you advice, I just asked you a question because I am interested in your opinion in principle.

1. You gave me advice.

2. You asked a question, I gave you a detailed answer.

If you didn't like the answer, that's your own problem.


1. You gave me advice.

2. You asked a question, I gave you a detailed answer.

If you don't like my answer, that's your own problem.

1. Yuri. Not only did you read inattentively and consequently misunderstand what was written. You then sassed me. And now you're trying to subtly accuse me of lying. I did not give advice because I do not give anyone advice. What you took as advice was part of the question. I wanted to know if you applied the above-mentioned methods to make a decision about another optimization of parameters. I asked you specifically because I have read many of your studies in this area and did not exclude the possibility that you have not avoided the listed methods.

2. Your response was overblown. 90% rudeness and arrogance.

3. Everyone can have personal problems, but you are the one who is blatantly revealing yours.

4. Yes. I didn't like your answer, but no one would. Not even you.


You then sassed me.


90% rudeness and arrogance.


Yeah. I didn't like your answer, but no one would. Not even you.

1. You are reacting painfully and in doing so you try to claim that others are reacting this way. That is, you attribute your shortcomings to others.

2. Constantly trying to impose your opinion on others, even when they don't need it.

3. You are trying to speak for others and not for yourself. For example I liked my response despite your malacho opinion.

In short, it is useless to communicate with you because you cannot compose anything on substance except some nonsense. Therefore, in order not to further traumatize your already sick psyche, I will leave all your further posts without comment. Have a rest and don't get sick!



It's obviously true what they say about you everywhere. Get well. :)
Another one of Reshetova's bullshits

I don't understand why Reshetova gets shit all over. It's not the first time I've seen almost all of his thoughts rejected.

He does not peddle his creations to anyone (like some), just shares his thoughts out loud.


I don't understand why Reshetova gets shit all over. More than once I observe that almost all his thoughts are met with hostility.

It's not like he's peddling his creations to anyone (as some do), he's just sharing his thoughts out loud.

Reshetov may think something about himself, maybe even unconventionally, but the trouble is that all his attempts to share his thoughts out loud turn into crap poured out on everyone who thinks differently or disagrees with him.

It's a red thread that runs through all the threads involving him. And this is already unseemly for a modern thinking person.


I don't understand why Reshetova gets shit all over. More than once I observe that almost all of his thoughts are taken with a pinch of salt.

He's not selling his creations to anyone (like some people), he's just sharing his thoughts out loud.

Because aggression breeds aggression.

Because aggression breeds aggression.

In my opinion, he reactsjust as well to outbursts in his direction as any normal person, .

Don't put labels on people.