What is an INDICATOR? - page 7


There's this...

How can he do that without a legal justification?
How could he do that without legal justification?
This is exactly what he lacks, without this it is impossible to move forward. And it is closely connected with the theory of probability, but only with the RIGHT UNDERSTANDING of it, lack of which the professors of the theory suffer also.

Let's clarify the question and give you a clue to the answer:


(and more precisely: if you can answer, how do you know where a swarm of bees flies?)


Let's clarify the question and give you a clue to the answer:


(and more precisely: if you can answer, how do you know where a swarm of bees flies?)

It started here. In the end - no indicator, no formalisation of its readings. But, there were some interesting posts to think about

about bees and swarms and where... :-)


It started here. In the end - no indicator, no formalisation of its readings. But there were some interesting thought-provoking posts

about bees and swarms and where... :-)

Here's a look at how people search for the Grail:


- first they get thrown off the ship, and the ship is called up.

- then they find a stone tablet that tells them where to look,

- then the unknowns kidnap the pope and the house is ransacked,

- then they go to Venice to find the spine of the tablet,

- then adventures in the catacombs and the lake of oil,

- then a run-in with sectarians,

- then an adventure in a castle in Germany,

- then the search for the Grail Cave,

- then the passage of the invisible road,

- then the test of righteousness and ingenuity.


You don't want ANY of this to happen, do you? To have it all on a platter, without adventure or torment?

"You don't have it?

Oh, right, of course.

That would have been too easy."

(c) Christopher Walken, Prophecy One


Do you want ANY of this to happen? To have it all on a silver platter, without adventure and anguish?

Is that you in the photo on the left in the skirt? It's all right, well done.

Of course, I am primarily referring to the so-called TECHNICAL indicators for trading. However, if we consider economic indicators, their indicators are THEY used for making economic and legal decisions, i.e. the difference in the roles and functioning principles of technical and economic indicators is not great. For example the Hodrick-Prescott filter is used for 12-month seasonal adjustment of one of the most important economic indicators, while the Q-test of Ljung-Box,


used in ARIMA trading models are used to calculate various official economic indicators.


TECHNICAL indicators are visualisations of economic indicators
Why an indicator and a programmer?
In the children's cartoon The Mystery of the Third Planet, the indicator is a bouncing thing on legs that you tap and it turns purple and mottled

Indicator, tachometer, speedometer, it's all the same. There's nothing magical about them. But many people think there is, figuratively speaking, they cover their windscreen with a rag and look at the tachometer and speedometer

trying to drive the car. Everyone knows the result.