A question for those who are making money on forex. - page 6


A miserable quickie and boring, I mean nothing new.

Why is Quik lame?

In terms of instruments that can be traded there are plenty


Why the miserable KVIC

In terms of instruments that can be traded, there are many

There are a lot of instruments, no one argues. Of course, it's all a matter of habit, first of all you have to like the domestic stock market a lot, then you'll also like QuickBooks. I'm just more interested in options and in this respect I've watched the terminals of American brokers for example, this market is very well developed there and the trading terminals are much more interesting.
For this forum it is more correct to phrase the question as follows - is anyone's robot making money?
For this forum it is more correct to phrase the question as follows - is anyone's robot making money?

For this forum it is more correct to phrase the question as follows - is anyone's robot making money?

Well, if you put it that way, my answer is yes

Good day!

I am familiar with Forex for about three years now. I have been studying and searching for my way (TS) and my style, I am also studying programming.

You're on the right track.

What I want to ask a PROFI, or better so.... People who make money.... I have heard many times that in terms of becoming a trader it is important to have a mentor.

And many write about such "heroes of our time".

I know one such person, Niroba is called, he will "teach" you for a fee. Will put on your computer MT4 terminal for just a couple hundred dollars )), etc.

All this crap is distributed either by these same mentors, who cannot make money on the market themselves, but are always welcome to teach, or by people predisposed to be "trained" by those previously mentioned. So the following IMHO is very close to the truth.

But those who make money, do they really need to train someone? They quietly gather "dust from the passing high-speed train Forex" and do not shine themselves. IMHO.

Or perhaps you can suggest someone who is willing to take on the job and share their experience? I'm asking in all seriousness, for myself.

What can anyone advise? I am grateful for the answers.

There are plenty of Hirobes, they will "teach" you, but you don't need it. No one will tell you where to find a shovel to rake in the cash. This is an absolute anreal.

Perhaps someone will share their experience of becoming a PROFI.

The path of formation is already indicated by you in the first paragraph.


You're going the right way.

I know someone like that, Niroba, he will "teach you" for a fee. He will install the MT4 terminal on your computer for just a couple of hundred dollars), etc.

All this crap is distributed either by these same mentors who themselves can not earn on the market, but to teach is always welcome, or people inclined to be "trained" previously mentioned. So your IMHO below is very close to the truth.

There are plenty of Hirobes, they will "teach" you, but you don't need it. No one will tell you where to find the shovel to rake in the cash. This is an absolute anreal.

You have already pointed out the path you took in the first paragraph.

Thank you, Alexander!

I didn't ask the question hoping for a "let me teach you" proposal, but rather to confirm my belief that mentoring in our industry is "artistic whizz".

And the way some people describe their experience of such a relationship is enviable. You'd think someone would have mentored me too - it wouldn't hurt.

By the way, imho, all DC teachers are loser traders, or not so offensive, theoretical traders.


Thank you, Alexander!

I didn't ask my question in anticipation of a "let's teach" suggestion, but rather to confirm my thoughts that mentoring in our field is an "artistic whiz".

And the way some people describe their experience of such a relationship is enviable. You'd think someone would have mentored me too - it wouldn't hurt.

By the way, imho, all DC teachers are losers traders, or not so offensive, theoretical traders.

Not all of them. There are active traders, there are active analysts, and quite good ones.

Do not lump everyone into one pile.


Not all of them. There are active traders, there are active analysts, and some pretty good ones too.

Don't lump them all together.

I agree, but that's not what I meant....

There are different stages of training, now I'm not talking about initial training.

Almost everywhere offers individual, professional training for very good money (I have experience)

So? What do you think they teach there?

Maybe I just don't know the decent ones, I'd appreciate the information.

I have written to you in person.