1st and 2nd derivatives of the MACD - page 19


It seems as if the author is trying to improve MathRand() using MACD and a price chart.

Why not use the 1589 derivative? There is no interpretation anyway.

Author, are you not an astrologer by any chance?

The 2nd derivative of MAcD is a fantastic thing. Market entry/exit points are determined by changing its sign. Only the filters on this gizmo need to be enormous.
How do you calculate the derivative? Do you distinguish the derivative from the gradient?

We've already talked about the derivative :-)

The partial derivative is a special case of the gradient. I.e. in simple words, the partial derivative is taken in two-dimensional space, the gradient in three-dimensional and above.

The 2nd derivative of MAZD is a fantastic thing. Market entry/exit points are determined by changing its sign. Only the filters on this thing should be enormous.
I do! Even with simple signal filters you get good results.

Now the branch can also be removed from prying eyes)
Now the branch can also be removed from prying eyes)

Yeah, right, it's already been cleaned up.
So there's nothing wrong with it. Can in fact re-register. True, it would probably be a shame.

Well, if uchitovat that I'm on the forum just for fun (as some), then, yes, you can at least 50 clones naanadelat, do that all the same there is nothing to do.

But unfortunately I'm not here for fun, so I'm just playing a one-way game, and the rules change dynamically in different situations((((


What are the threads being cleaned up for? Diluting a thread with occasional flub is not a bad thing... sometimes useful.

Maybe thread writers get paid for the number of pages?


What are threads cleaned up for? Diluting a thread with occasional flub is not a bad thing... sometimes useful.

Maybe thread writers get paid for the number of pages?

If they did.......annot)))

If they were paying.......annot)))

Then let them clean it up if they like it.) Or they can also clean up comments with cutting-edge ideas so that fewer people find out?

Then let them clean it up if they like it.) Or they can also clean up comments with cutting-edge ideas so that less people find out?

You should know...