[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 10: December 2011) - page 367

I've got a lot of pearls to write about now..... Haven't had a good time all day, I'm exhausted like a dog, had a beer in the evening, Overnight, or rather 4 a.m., I'm going like a dog.... I'm waiting for the market to open. It's not because I'm going to trade, but fuck it... it's a demo. )))))))

By the way, truth be told, I met a girl the other day .... wise enough for her age to make that point. It's not uncommon for the first decision to be the right one..... I want to apply it to trading. No one knows how to program it???? :))))))
i know i've been there - first of all you have to force yourself to apply what you thought - it's a difficult process - you have to break with what you have learned in your life experience...
Well fucking..... a few minutes to go.... pull your trigger, and get ready to throw yourselves into the fight TRADERS!!!!!!!!
Well fucking..... a few minutes to go.... pull your trigger, and get ready to throw yourselves into the fight TRADERS!!!!!!!!
Fools rush into battle, and the wise wait for the fools to come out of the fray and begin to slowly draw the net...
You express yourself culturally, people read you
You express yourself culturally, people read you.

I see...... I'm drunk...... :)))))
Anyway, the demo servers decided to shave me with the opening :(((( I have to give them a big shave and go to bed. I have to congratulate the kids tomorrow :)))))

We would like to inform you of the changes in the trading schedule during the holidays.

23.12.2011 (Friday) - Trades close at 23:59 GMT+2;

26.12.2011 (Monday) - trading will open at 09:00 GMT+2;

30.12.2011 (Friday) - trading close at 23:59 GMT+2;

02.01.2012 (Monday) - trading will open at 02:00 GMT+2.

In short the demo servers decided to shave me with the opening :((((( I have to give them a big thumbs up and go to bed. I have to congratulate the kids tomorrow :)))))

The movement will be weak so far - the eu is aiming for a 160p rise.