[Archive] Learn how to make money villagers! - page 827

Can I have a word in private - which brokerage house has this kind of trickery?
Can I have a word in private - which brokerage house has this kind of trickery?
Me too if you don't mind )
Look carefully at the bottom left corner of the screenshot...
Look carefully at the bottom left corner of the screenshot...

Senx... :-) I see...

Now I can see how they cut down my Avalanche last January... :-) I'm not with them at the moment - watching the demo...

Look carefully at the bottom left corner of the screenshot...
False alarm. I just don't trade on it. Quite normal quotes as far as I'm concerned.

For real... :-)

THIS is the first time they've had such bullshit - in the history of my observation - since Sept. 2008... :-)

Knocked out by spliced feet - by all means...IMHO.


on the euro yen - it looks like they've already made adjustments...

Everything seems to be OK:

I don't even go near these comrades, I've never seen worse quotes. All the time there are all sorts of spiel.

... I wonder how to trade then) if they're going to get you so hot, sooner or later, there's a scam all around)

there is no system, you lose on your own, there is a system, they will help you lose :D ...

nikat97 : Real Time Chart))

Bravissimo, guys! The clearest, most telling example of cheating by those who supposedly supply you with liquidity.
I just could not, no - had no right to pass by, leaving this outrage without attention.
Do you trust these people (companies) with your hard-earned money? If they were to catch fire around the corner!
Now they will start telling you that these people are dishonest - go to those - they are honest ... Nonsense.

I might advise you to do something, but I can't - I've given up. I gave my word to the people here not to start the old rattle.
So, there's still time, you're welcome to take it up with me.


Bravissimo, guys! The clearest, most telling example of cheating by those who supposedly supply you with liquidity.
I simply could not, no - I had no right to pass by and leave this outrage unattended.
Do you trust these people (companies) with your hard-earned money? If they were to catch fire around the corner!
Now they will start telling you that these people are dishonest - go to those - they are honest ... Nonsense.

I might advise you to do something, but I can't - I've given up. I gave my word to the people here not to start the old rattle.
So, there's still time, you're welcome to take it up with me.

I think you are exaggerating, there are normal companies, you can work.