[Archive] Learn how to make money villagers! - page 618


Yes the same google as it copies google technology.

Did you throw away the googlophone?



So if you don't turn on the GPS, you won't get detected.

I used to have a toy like that, also on Android. Exactly a toy, convinced of its complete uselessness.

Most people only like the tactile sensation of dirty screen with their fingers but it has no use. Such a phone puts a strain on your pocket, but in fact you only need it for making calls anyway.

It is no coincidence that in Europe a new trend - a hit of the season - a wooden tube with 10 buttons without everything, just to call and hang up. And understandably, people are already sick of all sorts of Facebook features, the soul demands minimalism, up to austerity)


A Russian invention, by the way.


That's how you think they won't detect it. They do take screens and you don't know about it.

In the same way, coordinates can be forwarded.

Gentlemen, why don't you go to the smoking room or create a separate thread? You and your gadgets don't seem to fit the curves here.

Reshetov: Gentlemen, why don't you go to the smoke room or create a separate thread? You and your gadgets don't seem to fit the curves here.
(Gone with his tail between his legs.)

The averaging is not the enemy of the trader, but quite a decent tool that can improve TS, and its results. The problems begin when the averaging and other elements of aggressive MM is placed above all. In this case the failure is simply a question of time and luck/unluck.

Whatever it is, but we have had good luck for 2 years already, even though we have 80% slippage...

Maybe the office itself is on his side, running a €2m business... and averages it out... :-) I am talking about IT...

without increasing the lot, the money will be lost unless the risk is significantly NOT reduced. It will last for a while, I don't argue.

He's been "holding on" for 2 years now... :-) You need the right approach, IMHO, and that's it...

I have the same solution, but in a different way.

The system is very similar to Fibo levels, only they create something like a harmonic, with a stretched middle in which price runs, and the edges are channel boundaries, so we take the minus as a minimum and the plus as a maximum

-Is -52% the minus? Ahem...ahem...probably only in comparison with -100%, and even that is an amateurish comparison.

He's been "holding out" for two years now... :-) You need the right approach, IMHO, and that's it...
The correct approach is called "iron balls". Another name is "just in case". There is no other approach.
This faithful approach is called "iron balls". Another name for it is "just in case of luck". There can be no other approach.

My point is that with the "standard" ("just in case of luck") approach of averaging position entry prices head-on over 2 years, one could have already lost several times and any size of DEP, but it's floating... and not bad at the moment...

My point is that with the "standard" ("just in case of luck") approach of averaging positions' entry prices head-on over 2 years one could have already lost several times and any size of DEP, but it's floating... and not bad at the moment...
With a deposit of $1,000,000 and an initial lot of 0.01 and guano in the hole will float for a long time. Maybe even forever. Except that the annual return of this "float" will be at the level of a deposit in a bank. About what I wrote at the beginning of this thread. But the risk in a bank is zero because of the government's deposit insurance obligations.
I have noticed an interesting pattern. The less one knows about mathematics, the more one talks about "mathematical models".

One thing you notice is that it is harder to implement. It's been a long time since I've written such a thing.

And on mathematics and other things Lenin had.... a long time ago

If you have a deposit of $1 000 000 and starting lot 0.01, the guano will be floating in the ice-hole for a long time. Maybe, it will float forever. But the annual return of this "float" will be at the level of a deposit in the bank. About what I wrote at the beginning of this thread. But the risk in a bank is zero because of the government's deposit insurance obligations.

Look at the manager, look at his forum, look at the tabs, in particular the funds tab... and everything will become clear...it's the IMPACT that counts!

All: "Wings, legs..." (c) - it's the tail that counts! :-)