[Archive] Learn how to make money villagers! - page 613


Only the probability of hoping that the probability is right is again 1/2)))

It's only blondes and villagers (bearded joke):

A maths exam is going on. A blonde is taking the maths exam. She has not solved a single problem on the ticket. The teacher takes pity and decides to ask an extra question:

- What is the probability of meeting a dinosaur in the city?

- What's not to understand? 50-50.

- Think hard.

- What's not to understand? 50% that you won't and 50% that you will. There are no other options, are there?


It's only with blondes and villagers (a bearded joke): There's no third option.

Heard it )))) And woo...

Well, the coder won't improve the ellan, so what can I say...

If you give him money, he will.
If you give him money, he will.
If it's just a coder, it will, the pit doesn't give a damn what to code )))

What's that Vysotsky thing, I can't recall, about a mate.

It's to the point, it's a sin to throw words out of a song or a head.

It's not. Everything is relative. For you it could be. But it is for you personally.

Yes I supported about other algorithms.

It's about martins.

Somebody's already made a bullet out of Mr.

And they're still doing it. You know, you'd do anything for an idea. If you can't, like, but really... And if it's real.

Theoretically speaking.


It's about the Martins.

The martinis have been drank to the bottom
Bottoms up on a martini.

And the chicken's got the millet... Yes, yes, the martin principle.

It's all about high human feelings, and you...

I'm done with you, you can sculpt your own pictures.


And to the chicken, the millet...

You're talking about high human feelings here, and you...

Martin's principle? If I understand it correctly, I have almost the same

That's right. However, the goal in this case is more pragmatic)http://finalnews.ru/kiberbezopasnost/chastnoy-zhizni-bolshe-net.html

PS: Wiped all my personal data in all social networks the other day)

According to the article it's too late )), I've never used google - Yandex, and social networks must be a drug - I've never smoked.
Tantrik: I've never used google - yandex,

Yes the same google, as it copies google technology.

OnGoing: PS: The other day I wiped all my personal data in all social networks)

Did you throw away your google phone?