[Archive] Learn how to make money villagers! - page 185

Read the thread carefully and check it out.
You're a tightwad.
You're a tightwad.
You're too lazy to even read. It's got nothing to do with me.

...lock is not a strategy: it is a form of trade accounting that has nothing to do with making money.

Please note, we are discussing a strategy that has nothing to do with lock from the beginning.

Lock is just one of the rationale for risk leveling. There were other suggestions.

You're a toughguy

About the loca, if any of the active members of the branch would be willing to program it, I'm ready to tell you the strategy.

a couple of posts the report was with a bigger drawdown ... intriguing?

I looked at the chart at the positions, I don't understand why your EA started buying the chiff at the very top, to be honest) there seems to be no point...

But I have to think again about parallel/sequential work on EUR and FRANK.

a couple of posts the report was with a bigger drawdown ... intriguing?
I mean more, I don't know.)

I looked at the chart on the positions, I didn't understand why your EA started buying the chiff at the very top, to be honest) there seems to be no point...

But I have to think again about parallel/sequential work on EUR and FRANK.

I think it is a good idea as long as everything is going smoothly)) and the fact that I have bought it may well hit the trend and work out))))