[Archive] Learn how to make money villagers! - page 40

1:40 passed - profit 67.71 roubles. Slowly - but at a profit... :))) Moving on.

the interesting thing is the evening and there you can see the whole point!

today it will probably fall by about 100 or 150 pips!

this is pure intuition of mine not confirmed by anything not to take it seriously!


2 days' work! 48 hours!


vladds, balance pictures without report figures are a mauvais ton. Your equity is not that pretty at all.

It seems to me that all this (40 pages of posting) is from the evil one. It's like the forum has been saddled. Local success: a day or two is no indicator.
So we test to see if it's a fluke or a pattern
I don't know how to do it!
There's a chudilo on one of the pages who blew 1,000 roubles in 5 minutes. indicator :)
There's a chudilo on one of the pages who blew 1,000 roubles in 5 minutes. indicator :)

TheXpert: You can't see the equity in the report. So whatever.

Whatever, but we know about it...

Transactions from the full report can be uploaded to the chart and see what was actually there. I.e. it becomes verifiable, as opposed to just a picture.